Chapter 5: What Did Machiavelli Do To You?

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Chapter 5: What Did Machiavelli Do To You?

Year: 1500

Month: January

Roma, South of Centro District

I got to the Brothel and looked around. I knocked on the door hoping that someone would answer the door. It took me a bit to find the brothel. Even though it was so close to the Hideout, I couldn't find it. The door swung open and I was surprised to find Maria and Claudia there. I looked between the two of them and then smiled. Claudia hugged me and then let go to let Maria hug me. They let me in and I looked to them.

"How did you know Ezio and I were going to come here?"

"Niccolò told us you two would be here." Claudia replied

I shook my head and looked to her, "Where are the girls?"

Claudia motioned to me to follow her. We walked out to the back patio and there was a group of girls there. They looked to us. The girls looked to me and then snickered or made a face. Good thing I did not care. I walked behind Claudia and Maria as they walked over to the group of girls. I walked over to the group but they were talking about girl things. Like how their dresses looked and how their makeup looked. I rolled my eyes and got out of the conversation. I walked over to the railing set on the patio to prevent anyone from falling down. I leaned against it and crossed my arms. I looked over to the group every once in a while.

God, Ezio was going to kill me. All he wants his is family safe, but I told them to go wherever they want. They choose to come here to Roma. I looked towards the patio door and just waited for Ezio to step through those doors. I looked around and down to the streets crawling with people. I heard a door open and close and my head jerked towards the patio door. Ezio walked through the door and looked over to me. He looked towards the group of girls and saw his mother and sister and that small grin that was on his face, disappeared.

"Mother? Sister?"

Maria and Claudia turned around and saw Ezio standing beside me. Maria was pleased to see him and walked towards him. Not getting too close.

"Ezio. Ser Machiavelli said that you might be here."

Ezio walked towards his mother and sister. I stayed by the railing but I pushed myself up off from it and looked towards them. This was their family business but I felt responsible for the fight it was going to cause. Claudia stood beside her mother as Ezio stood between the two of them and looked back and forth between the two women.

"What are you doing in Roma? Has Firenze been attacked?"

"No. Or, rather, I do not know. We did not go to Firenze." Claudia spoke


I sighed from behind Ezio, "I told them they could come here."

Ezio turned around to look to me and then to his mother and sister. He looked back to me with hurt in his eyes. I looked down not being able to see that look in his face once more.

"Ezio, we wanted to help."

"I was trying to help you by sending you to Firenze."

One of the girls in the group decided this would be the best time to ask about the puttana [whore] who ran this place.

"Where is Madonna Solari?"

I looked around and did not see her in sight. What happened?

"She's dead." Ezio said bluntly

I took a few steps forwards and looked to Ezio. I crossed my arms and shook my head at him. He noticed me in the corner of his eye and just shrugged me off. If Ezio wanted to play like this, then so be it.

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