Chapter 2: A Bastards Welcome

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Chapter 2: A Bastards Welcome

Year: 1500

Month: January


I have laid in bed for hours now. I cannot get any sleep. I guess it was one of those nights. I quickly got out of bed and put on my robes. I walked over to the table with all my weapons on it. I put them in their places and holders and walked out without making a noise. I swiftly ran down the stairs and headed straight to Mario's office. I crossed my fingers hoping he wouldn't be in his office but with my luck, he was sitting at his desk with a bottle of Corvina. I slowly walked into his office. Once I came into light, Mario had a smile on his face but it quickly disappeared.

"Jessica, what are you doing up still?"

I sighed, "I guess it is one of those nights for you too?" I asked as I pointed towards the bottle.

I walked over to his desk and sat down in the newly put chair. He reached down in a drawer and pulled out a glass for me. I took the glass from him and poured myself some of the Corvina. I took a long sip of the Corvina and looked over to Mario.

"Do you agree with what Ezio did?"

Mario looked down to his cup and swirled the wine around in the glass. He took a moment before answering.

"Sì. I believe that if he made that choice, he did it for a reason, but if what you said was true, it seems as if he might have made the wrong decision."

I nodded my head and took another sip of Corvina. I looked around, my eyes stopped on the book shelf. I had to get down to the secret cave. I quickly looked back to Mario. He wasn't paying attention to me anymore but rather his wine. It was a strong wine and I could understand why he chose it. I drank the rest of my wine and set the glass down on the table and poured myself another glass. I set the bottle down as Mario was taking it. He poured himself another glass as I took a sip from mine.

"Mario, what if Ezio's decision leads us to another war? Rodrigo is alive and it won't be long before he plans an attack on us."

Mario put up a hand, "I know, but for now, we are safe. Everything will be alright."

I nodded my head. Everybody claimed that we were safe but I did not feel it. I took another sip of my wine and looked to Mario.

"Did you know that there is a secret cave down in the Sanctuary?"

Mario looked to me a bit confused, "What do you mean?"

I sighed and took another sip of my wine, "The seal I got from France, I finally put in on the statue of Altaïr and it opened a cave just behind the statue. I think it might very well be an escape route."

Mario folded his arms in front of him and leaned forward so his arms rested on his desk, "Where does it lead?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I do not know. That is why I came down here, was to find out."

Mario looked to me a second before he chugged the last of his wine and set the glass down on the table. He smiled to me and then nodded towards the door.

"You go ahead and find out where it leads." He looked out the doorway I came in and then turned back to me, "I think I will try to get to bed."

He walked out of his office and then headed up the stairs. I just sat there for a few minutes sipping on my wine. I picked up the bottle and it was empty. I put the cap on the bottle and walked around the desk and put the bottle back in the drawer Mario pulled out our glasses. I closed the drawer and walked over to the book shelf and pushed the door open. I walked in and ran down the stairs to the Sanctuary. I walked behind the statue of Altaïr and walked through the cave. It was dark but there was some light to show the way.

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