Chapter 10: A Bottle A Day Keeps The Doctor Away Right?

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Chapter 10: A Bottle A Day Keeps The Doctor Away, Right?

Year: 1503

Month: March

Roma, Capagna District

Bartolomeo and I were near the French zone with about twenty of Bartolomeo's men. Most of the men were dressed up in French army and Bartolomeo and I were waiting for Ezio to return. Bartolomeo looked over to his men and motioned his hand to one of them,

"Bring me a suit of that perverted armor."

I slapped Bartolomeo's arm, "Hey! Now you're taken it too far."

Ezio came up behind me, "Plus, you are not wearing one."

"What?" Bartolomeo looked to Ezio a bit confused

"It is part of the plan. You surrendered to us. We are bringing you to the Baron."

Bartolomeo hit his palm on his head and then put a hand on his hip, "Ah, yes." He turned back to face Ezio, "Then what?"

"Your men attack on my signal."

Bartolomeo turned and put hand on his chin and processed that information before he turned back to Ezio.

"Bene. Go change into costume. Dawn approaches."

Ezio nodded his head and walked over to one of the men and asked for a costume. Bartolomeo looked over to his men and yelled at them to get into formation. I looked over to Ezio and saw he had a costume in his hands. I looked around and saw the men starting to get into their formation. I looked around and though it was a bit weird to see a bunch of Bartolomeo's men in French armor. I walked over and got my costume and put it on. I rejoined Ezio and Bartolomeo a few minutes later and we got in our formation and started to walk off towards the French camp.

As we started to walk I adjusted my hidden blade and tried to hide it a bit better than what I had already had it. I stood beside Bartolomeo. Ezio walked a step in front of us. We started to walk around the corner when we saw a group of guards guarding the entrance to get into the camp. Ezio and I walked ahead and assassinated the guards. The group came along and followed the two of us. We started to walk forwards and continued our walk to the fortress.

"We must follow the patrol route. We cannot deviate or the Duc's men will know something is wrong." Bartolomeo said, "The Baron thinks Cesare will allow the French to rule Italy. He's so blinded by the trickle of royalty in his blood, that lazy inbred can't see the battlefield. Whatever the French may think Cesare intends to be king."

We walked down a long street and saw a couple of French guards. Ezio and I walked in front of the group and made our way over to the guards and quickly killed them. We saw another on the roof. Ezio walked over and climbed up and killed the guard and jumped down. Just in time too because the group had just come up. Bartolomeo and his group started to walk towards Ezio. Ezio joined the group at the front as we continued to walk to the French fortress.

"Your plan is brillante, [brilliant] but I don't like using this kind of trick. I believe in fair fighting, may the best man win."

"Cesare and the Baron seem to have a different style." Ezio commented

" 'There will be day in which men no longer cheat each other. And on that day we will see what mankind is truly capable of.' "

We walked around another corner and saw three more guards. Ezio took the one at the entrance. I took the one at the side of the buildings. There was one last one on the roofs and Ezio let me get the guard this time. Ezio rejoined the group as I was making my way over. Ezio stood to one side of Bartolomeo as they continued to talk.

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