Chapter 14: The Arrows Fly Our Eagle Dies But Our Voices Rise

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Chapter 14: The Arrows Fly, Our Eagle Dies, But Our Voices Rise

Year: 1503

Month: August

Roma, Centro District

Ezio and I made it over to where Cesare was supposed to be meeting one of the last groups of his supporters. Ezio and I slowly made it up the stairs and watched as Cesare was in pain. I grinned a bit; he had not taken an antidote. He will soon no doubt, but the poison may kill him before I can plunge my hidden blade into his neck. Ezio and I started to hear Cesare talking so we slowed down and just listened.

"You must find them."

One of the guards took a step forwards, "They are everywhere and nowhere at once."

"I do not care how you do it." Cesare said in a low voice, he must know that we are just around the corner.

"We cannot on our own, Signore. You must help us."

I heard a groan of pain from Cesare before he snapped at the guards, "I am ill, you idioti. [idiots] Micheletto will soon be here with my armies and then you will see how quickly the Assassini [Assassins] fall."

Ezio and I walked up the stairs and showed ourselves. Cesare had turned around just as we did and his face had shock and . . . was that scared in there too? The edge of my mouth slowly crept up.

"You delude yourself, Cesare."

"Guards!" Cesare yelled as he walked off and let his supporters do the last of his work.

Ezio brought out the Apple while I ran charging at the guards. Before I did, I leaned in and whispered to him, "Do not use all your health to make them fall. If so, you risk hurting yourself and me."

Ezio nodded his head and I charged at the guards. I had killed one before the power of the Apple got released. The guard to my side that was about to attack me, had fallen to the ground and held his ears. He then got up and started to attack the other guards. I smiled and walked over to them and killed what the other guards didn't do. Another group of guards came running out with two other groups behind it. I ran over and put away my sword and got out my dagger and started to run through the guards and cutting their arms, stomach, chest, neck, anything within reach. Ezio let the power of the Apple out again and some guards around me fell and never saw the sun again, but others fell down and covered their ears and then started to attack one another.

I looked over to Ezio and smiled, I liked this Apple. It killed guards without even lifting a finger, but it also defeated the purpose of us Assassins. If we always used the Apple in war, we wouldn't have to be there. We just sit back and watch the battle going on in front of us with a glass of wine in our hands. I didn't like that idea once I thought about it. I was born a warrior and I shall use my fighting abilities. I looked around; there were guards, only guards fighting each other. Ezio put away the Apple and brought out his sword. We just killed whatever guards were left. Ezio and I looked around and there were so many bodies and we were just noticing now that the citizens were running around going crazy begging to God that they didn't die.

Ezio and I started to run back to the Hideout to deliver the news that one group was done. When we got back, Niccolò was standing around waiting for us to come back. He was pacing back and forth with anticipation. When he heard the door open and close, he jerked his head towards us. We walked down the stairs and walked over to him.

"Are they gone? Done with?"

Ezio and I both nodded our heads, I sighed, "Now we just have to sit and wait for Cesare to make another meeting with the last of his supporters."

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