Chapter 16: Last Request

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Chapter 16: Last Request

We got in the van. Rebecca set up her computer and an Animus in the back. Shaun set up his workstation so he could do some work while we were on the road. Desmond and Lucy sat in the front. When we got on the road I laid in the Animus and waited for Rebecca to give me the okay to go into the Animus world. I looked over to my right and saw Jessica. She was sitting down beside the Animus. She looked down to me with a worried expression and then moved her hand and pointed to the door. I turned my head to look at the door. I looked back over to her with a questionable look. She leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear. I didn't hear what she said because my hearing went numb and then the screen went in front of my vision.


Year: 1507

Month: June

Roma, Isola Tiberina

I was leaning against the wall on the roof of the Hideout with my arms crossed looking out to the water front. I sighed at the sight. It was a beautiful sight and I did not know how many more times I would be able to see it. I heard the Hideout door open and close to the roof behind me. I knew who it was the minute they took a step towards me. I grinned and looked down to the ground to hide my grin from them.

"Bruno'gurno." I said, "What do I owe the pleasure?"

Ezio smirked, "Nothing to owe, just wanted to talk is all."

I looked over to him, "How is Claudia?"

"Bene, she is doing very well with the brothel. What about you?"

I sighed, "I . . . could be better."

Ezio looked to me confused, "What do you mean? A weight has been lifted off our shoulders now that the Borgia is dead."

"Sì, but, I do not feel content with myself. I do not feel . . ." I sighed, "I do not feel satisfied. Normally I would feel . . . at least a sense of . . . accomplishment when I assassinate somebody but, not this time."

I looked over to Ezio and sighed as I crossed my arms in front of me and looked out to the water front, "Cesare has been dead for three months and I am still trying to get over the fact that the Borgia have ruined my life. They still are."

"What do you mean? They are gone, how can they still ruin your life?"

I sighed, "Ezio, I do not want to discuss this now."

"Per favore? [please] You have been keeping secrets from me for far too long."

I sighed, "Fine." I paused before I continued, "The Borgia have been on my list too. They always have been. They have been on the top of my list and I have been after them for years." I paused, "It is just . . ." I sighed, "I do not know." I whispered to myself at a loss for words

Ezio and I stayed quiet as I tried to search for the words to say, "It is just, even with their death, I do not feel . . . I do not feel . . . it feels like they are still around, Ezio."

I pushed myself off the wall and walked a few steps in front of me, "They still have supporters everywhere. Even though our mission is done, our work is never over." I sighed as I knew I was going to have to break the news to Ezio, "That is why you must stay here in Roma and take over the Brotherhood."

"Where are you going? You will be here as well, corretto? [right]"

I put up a hand to stop him from talking, "I, however. My work is not over either. It may never will be." I sighed, "My calling is somewhere else, Ezio. It is not here in Roma. Actually, matter of fact, I do not even want to step foot here, after everything that has happened."

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