Chapter 15: The Bastards Good-Bye

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Chapter 15: The Bastards Good-Bye

Year: 1504

Month: January

Roma, Centro District

A new year, new discoveries, right? Ezio and I were heading to Leonardo's workshop. We wanted to confront him about what has been going on. Leonardo always had words of wisdom to share. We got to his door and knocked. We walked in when we heard Leonardo yell. I walked into the place and looked around. It was a normal messy, paper everywhere, Leonardo workshop. He smiled as we came in and opened his hands out. He walked over to Ezio and hugged him. Ezio hugged him back and then he walked over to me. I hugged him back, he let go and took a few steps back and looked between the two of us.

"What can I do for amici mio? [my friends]"

"How about just talk?" Ezio asked

Leonardo nodded his head and motioned his hands over to a table, "Come, sit. Let me move some things around here. Can I get you some wine?"

Ezio and I both shook our heads and walked over to the table and sat down. Leonardo cleaned up his mess of papers on the table. Leonardo eventually sat down and Ezio and I told him about what had happen only a few weeks ago. Ezio had given Leonardo the Apple to study as we talked. Leonardo sat down and listened attentively. He folded his hand in front of him and rested his chin on his hands once he was finished messing around with the Apple.

"It was the manner in which he said it. 'Chain will not hold me.'"

"If you two are so worried, there is a way to find out."

Leonardo handed the Apple back to Ezio, but Ezio sat there with his hands folded in front of him. He looked down to the Apple, "No. It is too powerful. It must be hidden outside the domain of men."

"What a shame," Leonardo unfolded his hands and rested his elbow on the table and rested his head on his hand, "hiding a masterpiece where no one will ever see it."

I took the Apple and pulled towards myself and turned it around in my hands and watched as it glowed in my hands with my hand movement. I set it down in front of me and looked to the two men, "And yet . . . what if he meant what he said?"

I pushed the Apple in the middle of the three of us. I looked between the two of them and Ezio was starting to stir in his seat. Leonardo looked between the two of us. Ezio finally cracked.

"I cannot risk it."

I blocked Ezio's hand before he could touch the Apple. He looked over to me with a questionable look.

"We look together. Cesare is our problem."

Ezio pulled his hand back a bit and then looked to me. I took in a deep breath and we both lowered our hand on the Apple and we both asked it the same thing. The Apple started to glow and show us the answer we wanted. It filled our vision with the answer, the truth. I started to see a burning village, Templar soldiers everywhere and people running away or getting killed. I moved my hand off the Apple and Ezio quickly got out of his seat and took the Apple in his hands and looked to Leonardo.

"Cesare was right. I have to leave."

"What about your friends?" Leonardo asked to the two of us

I looked to Leonardo, "I built this Brotherhood to last, with or without us."

Leonardo got up and so did I, I joined Ezio by his side, "What do you intend to do?"

Ezio got out the pouch him and I filled with coins for Leonardo and he walked over and set it on a book shelf and replied to Leonardo's question as he walked over, "Plant a seed."

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