Epilogue: I Cross My Fingers Hoping For A Better Future

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Epilogue: I Cross My Fingers Hoping For A Better Future

Year: 1507

Month: August

Cyprus, Assassin's HQ

Dear Ezio,

I have arrived in Cyprus just fine. Actually, I have been here for bit over two weeks now. I guess I was just working up the courage to write you this letter. If only you can see this place. So much diversity and so much to see. But, my trip here was not to go exploring, it was to help the Assassins.

Such a nice and beautiful looking city, trashed, destroyed, by Templar. Remember Venezia? The citizens being abused by Templars? Well, it is the same here. The citizens do nothing and continued to get abused while the Assassins here are old. Believe it or not, I am the second youngest. Right beside a man named Yusuf who is only a few years younger.

I plan on building up the Assassins here. With an old man in charge, they decided that he needed an 'early' retirement and asked if I would be the leader of the guild. I agreed to it, but said it would only be temporary as Yusuf has much to offer. I have a plan for him.

Most of the men and woman here, I recognize from my youth. I am surprised that they still stand today. I know they will not last much longer. Another reason why I must start recruiting soon.

I do not fear of losing this Creed because of mere age, it is because of what the Templars are like out here. They are not like the ones out in Italia, they are much worst. They have names for them here and I agree with them. This will defiantly be a much bigger challenge for me than anything.

Enough about me, what about you? I do hope you are still working side-by-side with Pope Julius II. He will be a strong ally with the Assassins in Roma until his death. I say this with true words. What about the Brotherhood? The other Assassins? I do wish to come back for a visit, but it looks as if my work is cut out for me. Ezio, please write to me often. I will write back as soon as I get your letter, or when I have time. I do wish to continue to speak with you through these letters.

Cordialmente, Jessica


Year: 1510

Month: August

Roma, Isola Tiberina

I had a slight grin on my face as the boat pulled up to the dock that was familiar. I only had time for a quick visit before I was off again. I was excited to see my old friends again. When the boat docked, I walked off the boat and headed straight for the Assassins Hideout. I was happy to see everybody again, excited to see everyone. I walked around the corner and walked down the street and turned to walk down a few steps and open up the doorway to the Hideout. I walked in and walked down the stairs and walked in. I looked over to where Niccolò's desk normally was and was surprised to see it gone.

I looked around and saw that the bench was still there and the other rooms where the same. I shrugged my shoulders at the small change and set my bag down on the bench and looked around. This place was empty, but the furniture was still here. I took a few steps towards the center of the room.

"Surprise!" everyone yelled

I looked around at my friends as they walked towards me with arms wide. I hugged every single one of them and spoke with them for a few minutes before we all walked to the meeting room which they have built on to the Hideout. Claudia brought in wine for everyone and set a plate with cakes in the center for anybody to take. I looked around at my friends.

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