Chapter 1: Sleep My Child For You Will Need Your Rest

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Chapter 1: Sleep My Child, For You Will Need Your Rest

Year: 1500

Month: January


We got on our horses and were heading towards Monteriggioni. Mario asked Ezio of our journey, what was in the Vault. I did not speak. I did not say a word. I could not. Much of it was a blur to me. I pulled my hood over my eyes even more to shadow my face. My jaw locked once Ezio mentioned the power of the Staff and what it did to us. That I remember, it was vivid in my mind. A memory that could not be forgotten.

We got closer and closer to the Villa. It was in our sights now. The Villa looked the same as it always did. Last time we were here, we did not stay long. We had left for Roma, to go and kill Rodrigo. I finally tuned into their conversation once we reached the Villa.

". . . and then Minerva talked about the sun. She told of a disaster that occurred long ago and another is coming."

"Sometime far in the future, vero? [right] Then we need not worry about it."

"Sì. Perhaps our work is finished."

I snickered, "Our work is never finished."

"Would that be so bad?" Mario asked

We started to make our way towards the Villa. I stayed a few strides behind the two men. Mario turned to look at me, noticing that those words were the first thing I have said since we left. I tried not to look at him as we made our way up the hill. Mario turned around to face the front again. I saw a cannon ball fly in the air. I smiled as it came close to hitting Ezio and Mario's horses. It startled Ezio a bit as he put a hand up to his face to shield it from the dirt flying everywhere. Mario looked over to the hole in the ground and was satisfied with the results. Ezio was not impressed and it made me smile. Mario looked over to Ezio and laughed.

"We upgraded the arsenal while you were away."

My horse walked by the cannon ball. I looked over to the hole to see the impact it made. Indeed he did upgrade it. It was working fine and with a hole that big, they must have some fire power as well.

"Ah. And it is now customary for you to fire cannon balls at visitors?" Ezio stated while moving is hands around, obviously unimpressed

"My apologies. We only installed them a few days ago. My men are still being trained in their use."

My horse caught up with theirs and I huffed, "I might have to give one a go."

Mario laughed and looked over to me, "There will be plenty of time for that!"

We made our way up to the Villa. We stayed silent the rest of the way. Once we got through the entrance, everybody was crowding around our horses. Welcoming back Ezio and I. We were missed. I looked around and saw some people I did not know. I guess the Villa is doing well. The Villa has become more and more popular by the day it seems. Once we got to the stairs, we got down from our horses to be greeted by Claudia.


"Claudia, it is good to be home. How is mother?"

Ezio opened his arms for a hug. Claudia opened her arms taking the invite and they hugged. Mario and I stepped aside to give them some space. They hugged for a moment before Claudia stepped away.

"She's fine. I heard you were returning, but I am glad to see it with my own eyes. The Contessa [countess] of Forlì is here to welcome you. I had no idea you were so famous!"

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