Chapter 4: It Has Not Even Been 24 Hours Yet And Things Are Already Changing

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Chapter 4: It Has Not Even Been 24 Hours Yet And Things Are Already Changing

“I’m back.” Desmond said

  I walked in behind him and walked over to the statues and sat down on the top step leading up to the statues. I looked around at the statues and then around the room. Lucy turns around from where she was.

“Just in time. The sun’s rising.”

  Rebecca jumps up from her chair and walked over to Desmond and Lucy, “Yes! It’s booted. We’re good to go.”

  Shaun walked in and looked between Desmond, Lucy and Rebecca. Lucy walked over to her desk and Rebecca was over looking at the Animi. Shaun started looking around the room to everybody and waved his arms around.

“Did you miss me? No? Anyone? Hello, am I speaking out loud? Hello? Workaholics.”

  I held back a laugh that wanted to escape me. Ironic, the first time I met Shaun, he was the one who was the workaholic. I looked around the room and then back to Rebecca. She was checking the Animi while Desmond was just wondering around. I looked around some more before I got up and walked over to stand beside Desmond. We both walked over to the Animi and each got into one. Rebecca put down the screen for us and walked over to her computer. She did something on her computer and then a white screen flashed in front of my vision. She got the Animus set up for the both of us.

  Rebecca went through the new changes she made to the Animus but I just totally ignored her, I wanted to get in and see what Jessica was talking about. I needed to go in now. When Rebecca asked the both of us to click on Memory 2 Sequence 1, I clicked on it as fast as I could. I had to see what she was talking about. What was going to happen to her? What was going on? I had to know.

I had to.


Year: 1500

Month: January


  I have been on my horse for hours now. It is now night and I have not eaten anything since yesterday. I knew I should have stopped but something inside of me told me to keep moving. I felt like I was close to Ezio. I knew he did not fix his wounds or at least take care of them. I was surprised that I hadn’t seen him on the ground yet. My horse was starting to slow down. I looked in front of my horse. I was half dozing off because of lack of sleep. I blinked a few times and looked in front of my horse again. There was a figure lying on the ground. I couldn’t see much considering that it was dark out. I tapped my foot against my horse to slow it down and then stop.

  I jumped off my horse and started walking then jogging to the figure on the ground. Once I could see the figures face, I started to run. I bent down and flipped the body over. Pale white face and two wounds that haven’t been taken care of. I rolled my eyes and reached into my back pouch and pulled out a small medical kit. I set it down beside me as I looked over to Ezio. I pulled up his shirt slowly revealing the gun wound on his stomach. I lifted up his shirt a bit more. Once I got his arms out of it, I lifted up his head and pulled the rest of his shirt over his head. I set the shirt down on my other side and reached for the medical kit.

  I reached for the alcohol and poured some on his wounds. I took the wrap and wrapped it around his wounds as best I could. I put his shirt back on and carried him to my horse. I set him on the back of my horse and got on in front of him. I continued to make my way to Roma.

  Oh, Ezio. What have you got yourself into?

*   *   *

  I picked Ezio up from the back of the horse and carried him into a medical care home. I walked in the room and looked towards the woman who was working there. She looked to me and then motioned to a bed that was just made. I walked over to the bed and set Ezio down.

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