Chapter 3: I Think I Should Be Concerned By This

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Chapter 3: I Think I Should Be Concerned By This

"Lucy, I can't seem to get a position on Ezio's P.O.E." Rebecca said

The truck came to a stop. It shook me awake. Was I sleeping this whole time? I blinked a few times as I let them carry on with their conversation.

"P.O.E.? Could one of you tell me what's going on?"

I rolled over and groaned the answer for Desmond, "Piece of Eden, Desmond."

"Yeah, how did you know?" asked Rebecca

I groaned as I rolled over again and sat up, "It only takes someone stupid to not get that one."

"Hey! I'm right here!"

I looked over to Desmond and gave him a fake smile, "I've noticed."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Desmond whispered to himself

"More like the wrong person." I whispered to myself

"In the Vatican, Minerva talked about other temples, that they're the key to preventing whatever terrible thing is about to happen to the Earth." Lucy said trying to get back on track with the conversation

She and Shaun were in the front seats on the truck while Rebecca, Desmond and I were in the back. I stood up and stretched while Desmond got up and mumbled something to himself. Lucy and Shaun got out of the truck and came around back and opened up the back door of the truck to let us out. Desmond pulled the back the rest of the way up and hopped down. I followed behind while Rebecca was closing down the Animus for the moment.

"To find the temples I'm convinced we need to get our hands on Ezio's Apple of Eden. Minerva altered it somehow when she "touched" it."

I rubbed my eyes because they still were not working. I blinked twice and looked around.

"Wait. We're at the Auditore Villa?"

"Villa Auditore. If you're going to be here, at least say the name right." I said

"Fuck, what happened to you?"

"Nothing, mind your own fucking business!"

Lucy stepped between us and continued on with their conversation. What the fuck was wrong with me? Why was I acting like this?

"Yes. It's our last safehouse in Italy. It turns out the Templars are watching the border."

Rebecca interrupted Lucy and started to speak, "Ezio hid the P.O.E. sometime in 1507, but when I try to access that DNA sequence, he seems to be . . . remembering something else."

"Like a memory inside a memory?"

"Yes. Exactly. Maybe."

"Exactly maybe?"

Rebecca turned back to her computer and started to do things on it. I honestly just wanted to go and lay down somewhere.

"I believe you experienced something similar back at Abstergo, didn't you?" Shaun said as he came from around the truck.

"Subject 15 exhibited memory-within-memory-like-patterns, but she was pregnant. The memories of both the fetus's father and mother were competing."

Shaun put a hand over his chest and the other on his chin. He took a step towards Desmond. I looked around at the Villa, so many memories from Jessica came flooding into my memory. My head was starting to pound. I closed my eyes and put a hand against the truck.

"Desmond's not pregnant. At least, as far as I can tell. Might have just had a big lunch."

Shaun walked over to Desmond and patted his stomach and took a step away. Desmond didn't look too pleased with being called fat. The headache was starting to go away and I pushed myself off of the truck. I looked over to the group.

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