Chapter 9: They Want Something From Me They All Do

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Chapter 9: They Want Something From Me, They All Do

Year: 1503

Month: February

Roma, Centro district

Ezio and I made it to Juan's party. Supposedly, all the Borgia family should be here tonight. Ezio and I had to sneak in and we also had to tell the girls from Claudia's brothel to take the money there and to make sure it was in safe hands. Once we found a way in, we looked around. Rodrigo was back in Roma and so was the rest of the Borgia. Cesare walked out as Juan the Elder had one of Claudia's girls in his arms reach. Ezio and I stayed far away and hidden in a group of citizens.

"What better way to celebrate my victories than to join in the brotherhood of man? Soon we will be here once more celebrating a united Italia and then feasting will last for forty days and forty nights! Cominciamo ora! [begin now]"

Cesare started waving his hands around as he spoke. He had his hands out to his sides as he turned around as everybody clapped. I saw a group of citizens close to Rodrigo. I quickly moved over to the group as Cesare turned around and was walking back inside the building. Rodrigo had walked in front of the door and stopped Cesare from going in. Cesare stood beside Rodrigo as he smiled and waved to the people.

"We did not agree to conquer Italia."

"If your brilliant Captain General says we can do it, why not rejoice and let it happen?"

"You risk upsetting the delicate balance of control we have worked so hard to tighten."

"I appreciate all that you have done for me, but I have the army, so I am making the decisions."

Cesare looked towards Rodrigo, "Don't look so glum, enjoy yourself."

Cesare walked into the building as he left Rodrigo standing there. Rodrigo had paused for a second before he walked inside and closed the door behind him. I looked over to Ezio as he jumped in the haystack and killed the guard in front of it. He pulled the guard in the haystack with him and then quickly jumped out and walked over to the group of citizens in front of the haystack. I quickly walked over and joined him. Ezio walked over to a bench but a guard had spotted him and was walking over to him but I knew that he knew what he was doing.

The guard walked in front of him. Ezio extended his hidden blade and stabbed the guard and turned around and placed him on the bench and quickly walked over to a group of whores. He passed one of the girls the money and they started to walk around him and dance around him. He walked passed a couple of guards and the girls started to distract them. I quickly walked from group to group until I was passed the guards and quickly went to sit down on the bench. Juan would be walking by me soon. Ezio stood over in the corner and watched.

Juan walked around the corner. I looked to Ezio and shook my head. He stood back and let me do what I wanted to. Juan had a guard behind him but Ezio knew what to do. He assassinated the guard and leaned him against the wall he was standing by and made his way over to another group of citizens. Juan walked right in front of me and as he was about to walk by, I stood up and extended my hidden blade so that it touched his back. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and whispered in his ear.

"Why don't you take a seat, Banker?"

Juan let out a low chuckle as I took a few steps back and sat us down on the bench. I kept my hand on his back but put my hidden blade back in its vambrace. Juan looked over to me and had a small grin on his face. He leaned over towards me and whispered.

"I know my time has come Assassin."

I looked over to him, "I want to know why. Why become Cesare's banker?"

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