Chapter 7: I Might Do Something I Will Regret

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Chapter 7: I Might Do Something I Will Regret

Year: 1501

Month: February

Roma, Vaticano District

Ezio and I headed to the Castel Sant'Angelo to go and spy on the Borgia family. Ezio will be the only one doing this mission, I would be standing around waiting for him to come out and distract the guards. We were supposed to meet Niccolò at the Castel Sant'Angelo. We were on our horses and were walking down the streets. We heard that Cesare was supposed to have company today and that today was the day Caterina was supposed to be arriving to Roma. When we arrived at a stable, we hooked our horses and continued on by foot. Once we started to get closer, the guards got more cautious and they grew in numbers. Either Rodrigo was scared, or there was another reason there were so many guards.

Ezio and I walked side by side until we got to the Castel Sant'Angelo. There were no signs of Niccolò so Ezio and I headed over to a bench and sat down. We would occasionally look over to the Castel Sant'Angelo to see if we could spot Cesare or Niccolò. We sat there for only a few minutes before a carriage went by us. We watched as it went by and we spotted Niccolò. We got off the bench and headed over to Niccolò. A crowd started to form around the carriage. Several guards were standing around the carriage. Lucrezia stepped out of the carriage and so did Caterina with both her hands tied to her back and two guards standing beside her. We stood in the back of the crowd and watched silently.

"Salve, cittadini di Roma! [Hail citizens of Roma] Behold a sight most splendid! Caterina Sforza, she-whore of Forlì- has at last been brought to heel!"

"Ha! No one kneels as low as Lucrezia Borgia! Who put you up to this? Was it your brother or your father? Perhaps a bit of both? Perhaps at the same time!" Caterina yelled to Lucrezia

Lucrezia walked over to Caterina and back handed her face. You could hear the slap and feel the sting it was going to leave afterwards. I looked over to Caterina but as she normally was, she was fighting. Lucrezia looked pissed off as she spoke again.

"Chiudi la bocca! [shut your mouth] None speak ill of the Borgia!"

Lucrezia turned and took a few steps towards the crowd, "The same will happen to any who defy us!"

The guards started to take Caterina away and into the Castel Sant'Angelo, but she had other plans. She fought with the guards and turned to the crowd, "Good people of Roma, stay strong! You will be free, your time will come, I swear it!"

We watched as the guards and Lucrezia walked off and into the Castel Sant'Angelo. Ezio was the first one to speak. He pointed towards the spot where Caterina just was, "They are going to torture her."

Niccolò turned to look at Ezio, "You are here for Cesare and Rodrigo." He said with sternness in his voice

Ezio looked over to Niccolò only showing half of his face when he spoke so Niccolò would not see the look on his face, "Caterina is a powerful ally, if we help her now while she is weak, she will aid us in return."

Niccolò turned away from the two of us and took a few steps the other way before he stopped and turned around to look back at us once more, "Perhaps. But kill Cesare and Rodrigo first."

Niccolò took a few steps towards us again and then pointed a finger to the ground on his last words as if to make a point. Ezio nodded his head and I guess Niccolò was satisfied because he started to walk away from us and headed back to the Hideout. I shook my head at him and then turned to look at Ezio, "Remember what I said. I am on the same page as you Ezio. Do what you like but get some information about Cesare and Rodrigo."

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