Chapter 8: Another Day Another Bottle With Unwanted Company

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Chapter 8: Another Day, Another Bottle With Unwanted Company

Year: 1503

Month: January

Roma, Isola Tiberina, Assassins Hideout

Ezio was out trying to find out who the Banker is. I already had a good idea who it was but we had to be sure. It has been three years since Ezio and I stepped into Roma and we were just getting started on our mission. We both had the same goal, just different reasons for doing so. While Ezio was out, it was just Niccolò and I in the Hideout. I was debating whether to talk to him or not. I was shuffling through papers when Fabio came walking into the Hideout. He glanced over to me for a quick second before he looked over to Niccolò.

"I need to speak with you for a moment, Machiavelli."

Niccolò looked up from his desk and nodded his head to Fabio. He got up and I decided that this would be the best time to speak to Niccolò.

"Eh, Niccolò. I will be going to the La Volpe Addormentata."

Niccolò looked over to me and pointed a finger to me, "You have been spending a lot of time there lately."

I shrugged my shoulders, "There is not much to do here either."

He looked to me and then to Fabio. He sighed and motioned a hand to the door, "Go then. I have nothing for you here."

I walked towards the door and whispered under my breath. Niccolò heard bits of what I said and wanted me to say it again. I turned around, fist clenched and told it to him right in his face.

"Like I would take orders from you."

With that, I turned around and stomped up the stairs and slammed the door. My patience for Niccolò was slowly fading away. I did not believe that he was a traitor, but he was getting on my nerves. I jogged down the street and got to the water front. I jumped across the river on the wooden poles and made it to the other side. I whistled for a horse to come over and I hopped on. I made my way to La Volpe's in a matter of a few minutes. I jumped off my horse and walked into the inn and walked straight to the bar. I got a whiskey and chugged it down before I looked around for La Volpe. I tapped my hand on the bar and got the bartenders attention.

"Do you know where La Volpe is?"

He shrugged his shoulders and then nodded his head towards the curtains. I nodded my head thanks and got down from the stool and headed towards the curtains. I push aside the curtains and peaked my head inside. I found La Volpe sitting down with a drink in his hands. I walked in and closed the curtains behind me. I walked in and sat down beside La Volpe. He looked over to me and smiled and then looked to his wine.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure?"

I chuckled, "I just had to get away from Niccolò."

"He has been a pain with you too?"

I huffed and rolled my eyes, "Niccolò thinks he controls me."

La Volpe put his hands up, "Might as well kill him now!" He said sarcastically

I laughed. La Volpe was the only one besides Ezio who could cheer me up. I stood up from my chair and walked out and over to the bar again and got wine this time. I walked back in and sat down with my wine. La Volpe and I talked for a bit before one of his thieves walked in with a letter and set it down in front of me. I looked at the letter and saw that it wasn't in any hand writing that I recognized. I set my glass of wine on the table and pulled out a knife from my front pouch and slid the blade under the wax. I broke the wax seal and flipped open the envelope. I pulled out the letter and unfolded it and started to read the contents of the letter.

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