Chapter 6: Another Day Full Of Mysteries To Be Solved

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Chapter 6: Another Day Full Of Mysteries To Be Solved

Year: 1500

Month: September

Roma, North of Campagna District

Ezio and I rode on our horses to the Campagna District. We saw Borgia Guards everywhere. I guess Bartolomeo was up against two armies at once. Once we got past a group undetected, Ezio looked over to me.

"Do you know who runs the mercenaries?"

I shrugged my shoulders even thought I have already been there to drink one too many drinks. Bartolomeo and I would sit inside and just talk with a drink in both of our hands if he had the free time. I know that if I had two armies coming at me from two sides, I would be drinking throughout the day and throughout the night. I have no clue how he does it. We finally got to the building for the mercenaries. We got off our horses and walked the rest of the way. We walked to the door and knocked when I heard a voice start cussing under their breath. I smiled at him and could see him now walking to the door cussing.

He had not even gotten to the door before he yelled, "Who is there?"

He opened the door and saw the two of us, he smiled and moved out of the door frame so we could get in. He waved an arm out to his side, "Ezio Auditore and Jessica Ghezzi! Come in, come in." He started to walk away from the open door and motioned us to come inside. He turned around with one hand on his hip and the other pointing his index and middle finger at us, "I'll kill you if you don't."

Ezio and I walked inside the room. Ezio walked over to Bartolomeo and extended his arms out, "Bartolomeo!"

The two men hugged for a brief moment before they let go and Bartolomeo walked over to me and gave me a bear hug. I hugged him back but with not as much force and he was hugging me. He let go and took a step back and looked to the two of us. He put an hand on Ezio's arm and pointed a finger to him.

"Wait here. You have to meet my wife."

Bartolomeo started to walk towards the stairs at the other side of the room. "Pantasilea! Pantasilea! Where is she?"

Bartolomeo put his hands on his hips and looked a bit puzzled as to where his wife might have gone. I looked over to Ezio and he put up a hand and motioned over to his desk, "Did you check behind the table?"

I snickered and put a hand to my mouth to stop from laughing. Bartolomeo heard me and turned around to look to the both of us. He turned around quickly when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs and a woman appeared. I dropped my hand trying to get as presentable as possible but Ezio and I still had small grins on our faces. It was surprising how we can laugh over something now but before we would have our own knives up to each other's throats.

The woman looked to Bartolomeo. He smiled as he extended his arms out and looked towards Ezio and I.

"Ahhh. Here she is!"

She took a few steps towards us and stood beside her husband and nodded her head in acknowledgment. Ezio and I walked over to the two of them. Pantasilea looked to Ezio and spoke.

"Lieta di conoscervi. [nice to meet you]"

Ezio reached down and grabbed her hand and put hers in his, he looked to her, "Chamed. Truly." He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her hand gently and set her hand down. Bartolomeo took the two steps it took to get over to Ezio while Pantasilea walked over to me and hugged me. It has not been long, but it sure seems like it. She was sweet and had the knowledge that anyone would want. She also knew how to tame the great Bartolomeo. That deserves an award by itself.

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