Chapter 17: Sheilding The Truth Is About As Bad As Hiding A Lie

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Chapter 17: Sheilding The Truth Ia About As Bad As Hiding A Lie

A white screen came in front of my eyes. I blinked several times before my vision came back to me. I heard people walking around. It sounded like we were in a cave or a tunnel. I looked around and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. Rebecca was getting up and walking over to me. She looked to me and smiled.

"We're here. We've been here for a while now."

I huffed, "Why does that not surprise me."

She removed cords from my arms and moved the screen above my head. I swung my legs over the side of the Animus and looked around the van again. The door was open and I saw Shaun and Lucy waiting for the two of us to get out. I started to stand up but felt dizzy and quickly sat back down. I put a hand to my forehead and leaned forwards in pain. Rebecca put a hand on my back and leaned forwards.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I swallowed and nodded my head, "Yeah, yeah, just a little dizzy is all."

Rebecca stood up and nodded her head as she walked over to the computer and shut it down. I tried to stand up again and had more success this time around. I walked over to the door and jumped out and was surprised that I even landed on my feet. I looked over to Lucy and Shaun as Rebecca was jumping out and closing the van door. We started to walk through the cave before we found an entrance and walked in. We all joined up with Desmond and looked around. Desmond looked over to Shaun looking for answers.

"What is this place?"

"Santa Maria Aracoeli. See those columns along the aisles? They're from Roman ruins. Now, supposedly, this church was built on top of the ancient Temple of Juno."

We all looked around the giant room. It was an elegant church and was built to last.

"I like the ceiling." Rebecca said out of nowhere

Shaun looked over to Rebecca as if he was offended by her words. "You like the ceiling. Oh well, you are a fascinating traveling companion."

Rebecca smirked and shrugged her shoulders as her and Shaun walked off. The rest of us followed right behind them. When we got to the middle of the church, we all looked around.

"Where to now?" Lucy asked

Desmond looked over to his right and squinted his eyes for a second before he started to walk over to the ghost figure of Ezio. I looked over as well and Jessica was following directly behind him.

"There's something up there." Desmond said

He started to walk over and I felt compelled to walk over with him. He started to climb up and I followed.

"Oh well, we'll just stay down here then shall we . . . and just pray or something." Shaun said

Once Desmond and I got to the top of the small wall. We jumped over and grabbed onto the ledge and pulled ourselves up and saw a lever. Desmond walked over and looked at it for a second before he pulled it out, turned it and put it back in. There was a creaking noise and I could hear chains rattling. I looked behind me and saw things being lowered. I looked around and then saw a path for us to continue on. We jumped and climbed before I started to hear a voice. Juno.

"We did not build them to be wise. And now they are our final, faulted hope. You are they."

Desmond looked over to me with a questionable look and then continued on jumping from one dangled decoration to the next. Juno continued on.

"You possess the potential for understanding. But you broke our tools. Or turned them against one another. We have destroyed what we could. Sealed away what we could not."

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