Chapter 11: A Visit To The Castel San'Angelo

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Chapter 11: A Visit To The Castel San'Angelo

Year: 1503

Month: August

Roma, Isola Tiberina, Hideout

I was sitting down looking through paper work the Borgia has given me. I looked over the papers and sighed as I was only halfway done. I had to get this done before the diner in a few nights. Tomorrow to be exact. I looked over the papers some more before I had enough. I stood up and started to walk around trying to clear my head. I heard the door open and then close. I saw La Volpe walk down the steps and head over towards me. I smiled to him and hugged him. He looked to me and pulled a small container from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Here, some wine from the inn."

I looked to him and raised the container to him, "Grazie, amico."

I opened it up and took a sip before La Volpe walked behind me and looked around. I turned around and watched him.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Ezio, he has asked me to meet him here."

I took another sip of the wine. It was a fairly strong wine. It tasted good as it ran down my throat. I nodded my head to La Volpe and then walked back over to the stack of papers I had to read over and fill out. I sat down at the bench and looked over to La Volpe.

"Ezio was running a couple or errands. He should be back soon."

He nodded his head. He stood there and put one arm around his chest and the other was holding his chin while he rested his elbow on his arm. I looked back to the papers and started to read over them. It was much easier with wine than no wine at all. I heard the door open and close and saw Ezio walk down the stairs. He walked over to La Volpe.

"Volpe. How goes Roma?"

"Very well, Ezio. The French and Papal forces are in disarray."

"Then it is almost time. Call the Assassins together and . . . bring Claudia." Ezio said as he walked past La Volpe and walked into the doorway of another room.

"Now?" La Volpe turned to face Ezio again

Ezio turned his head to look back at La Volpe when he saw me in the corner of his eye. He looked over to me and gave me a small grin and turned his attention back to La Volpe.


Ezio walked into the room and La Volpe stood there for a moment before he looked over to me. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to the paper work I had to do. La Volpe walked up the stairs and went out the door. I looked at the paper work and just sighed. Now I know how Niccolò must feel every day. I took a sip of the wine and went on to the papers in front of me. I was sitting down for a good ten minutes before someone walked over to the bench. They sat down in front of me. I looked up and they just grinned and pointed to the container of wine. I pushed it towards them and they took a sip.

"So, how goes the paper work?"

I sighed, "I feel bad for Niccolò. He has to put up with this merda [shit] every day."

Ezio chuckled a bit, "Well, now you have a taste of what Machiavelli has to put up with every day."

I looked to Ezio, "Plus, he has to put up with you." I said as I pointed to him

Ezio did a fake gasp, "No, you cannot be serious!"

I started to laugh and so did he. He handed me back the container of wine. He looked to me with a serious face and it made me worry a bit. He folded his hands in front of himself and looked to me right in the eyes.

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