Chapter 4

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I held onto my new husband's hand as the airplane went up into the air. After sitting on the beach with Sophie and Brian for a while, we decided it was time to go. So, we sent Sophie with Brian (with some complaints) and we went back to pack some things for our trip to America. He then booked plain tickets and here we were, flying back to his home town. I wondered how his parents would be like and if his mother would like me. I grew up in a big family. We were never rich, but never went to bed hungry either. Our house was small for seven people, but we were fine. If I could've just knew how his parents are, I would've stopped worrying if he would judge me by my past.
"So baby," Jake said to me, "that thing I wanted to tell you..."
"My family's kind of rich, you know my dad's a business man and my mom's really posh."
"You're telling me this now?"
"It'll be alright, baby. The house is just kinda big and so on." This was the first I heard of this, I thought they were kind of normal people, having raised someone like Jake and all.
"Okay, uhh do your mom like shopping?"
"Yeah, like a lot. But, don't expect anything, hay?"
"Then we'll get along just fine. If she likes doing shopping we'll at least have something to do together. And, she raised you, that must be another good thing." I layed my head down on his shoulder and fell asleep.


After we got married, I didn't really want to lose her by telling her how rich my family is. My mother and father wouldn't just accept her with open arms, I knew that. But, she was worth the try. We arrived at my house tired after taking a cab and driving for almost four hours. Allison's eyes grew as she saw the house, but she just walked on and rang the doorbell. Kevin, our butler opened for us and took our bags. "Hello Mr Sparks, your parents out in the dining room."
"Thank you," I told him and led the way for Allison. When we got there, I air kissed my mother and greeted my father with a handshake.
"And who is this?" My mother asked me.
"This is Allison you guys. The girl I told you about over the phone."
"Oh, that's right!" she turned to Allison, "nice to meet you, Allison." They shook hands.
"You too, Mrs Sparks." She did the same with my dad and then we sat down.
"So," my mother said, "where did you two meet?"
"In a coffee shop," I told her, "Allison worked there and I just walked up to her and asked her out."
"That's nice. What do you do now, Allison?"
"I'm actually a fashion editor now."
"That's great. Jake, do you remember that girl you used to date in high school? I met up with her the other day. Such a lovely girl." Seriously, now?
"That's nice, Mom. How is she doing?" I gave her a forced smile.
"Just great. She's actually a lawyer now."
"Allison and I are married," I said so she could back off.
"What?" my father exclaimed out of anger.

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