Chapter 12

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To hear the news about my mom and dad torn me. They always looked so happy together and now I found out, after all these years, that my mother wasn't. I just couldn't believe it. But when she said she will be happy now, I felt a little more at peace. I just wondered how my dad was taking it. He loved her so much - actually I don't know if he did anymore at that point. When Allison suggested me and my mom going with her, I was surprised. She hated to even talk about her past every time I brought up mine. I know it's not about her parents, because they sounded fine every now and then over the phone. I should really ask her about that again. Hopefully, this time she would feel free to speak about it. For me, I was just glad that I was on my way to meet her parents and get a little peace of her past to hold. "Jake?" I turned to her, "What is it baby?"
"Are you okay, my love?"
"Ugh, I don't know. I guess so, what can I do, hay?"
"Just be glad they can both be happy for once, like we are."
"I love you, so much." That made her smile, "you too." She looked out the airplane window, a thing I came to learn was a habit of hers: looking out windows. It's true, she looks out of any window, even a normal window. I think she dreams about the future every time she does that, but I won't know. I poked her in the side to catch her attention and she looked over at me.
"What kept you away for so long? Why are we only going to see your family now?"
She shook her head, "nothing much. I just got my heart broken and so on. But, I think that guy isn't even in town anymore."
"A guy, seriously? What did he do?"
She told me about this guy she loved and how fast he moved on, after she wanted the best for him. And I realised something: she loves too fast. She cares way too fast about people. For instance, when we met it took her only a week to care about me and soon we were dating. "Baby, that can surely not be the only reason?"
"Well, that's part of the reason. He changed me in a lot of ways."
"Yeah, but I'll tell you all about it later." She layed her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I didn't ask her any more after that. I decided that if she's ready, she'd come to me.

Her family lives in a small town and I wasn't used to it really. We stopped at the grocerystore, before going to her parents' home. The people were too friendly and greeted me even though they didn't know me. Allison and my mother were still in the car (we hired it for the time being) and I was left to run in and get something to drink and chew on.
"Hello," the cashier said with a friendly smile, "do you need a plastic bag?"
"Hello, yes please."
When I payed, she smiled again at me, "Come again."
"Wow," I told Allison when I got into the car, "the people are really friendly."
"Small town," she shrugged, "no one wants to be hated." That actually made some sense, so I nodded at her. My mother were asleep at the back, so I didn't wake her so that she can eat something. As I drove on, Allison gave me directions to her home and we ended up at a house that only said one thing: family. It had a very beautiful, yet small garden and as we drove in, a big yard at the back with a pool. It wasn't cold, even though we were near Christmas and I was used to snow this time of year. It was warm and sunny without a cloud in the sky. I loved it this way so much more. We knocked on the door and a friendly, blonde lady opened the door with a smile.
"Hi mom," Allison greeted and  her mother gave her a huge hug that lasted a while. "I missed you so much."
"Missed you too, Ma." They pulled away, "Anyway, this is Jake, and his mother."
We greeted her with a handshake and she invited us inside.
The house was decorated with a Christmas theme. There were tiny white Christmas trees around every corner and lights were set up. We walked into the living room and there were a big undecorated tree with presents underneath.
"You guys can have your old room," my new mother in law said to Allison and looked at my mom, "and you can have one of the guestroooms. Usually, all the cousins have a family bed and watch movies in the living room, so all the adults can have a room."
"Okay then," Allison said to her mom, "I'll take them to their rooms." We then followed behind her and she stopped at the second door. "This is my old bedroom," she opened the door and we placed our suitcases down. Soon, we were our and she showed my mom her room.
"Would it be rude if I take a nap?" my mom asked when she saw the bed.
"No, go ahead. You can greet everyone at dinner."
We closed the door to give my mom some privacy to sleep.
"So," Allison said as we walked outside, "we're kind of a big family."
"I know, you've told me that." She shook her head and sighed.
And when we were outside, I saw what she meant by 'big'.
There were kids playing in the pool and guys my age and older men standing around a grill fire with beers in their hands. At the side of the pool girls were laying in the sun drinking cocktails or coke. This didn't look like one of our usual family get togethers. We walked up to the men first.
"Hey,"Allison said and their heads went to our direction.
"Ally?" one of the older ones said, "come give your uncle a hug." After hugging all of them, she introduced me and I greeted with a handshake.
"Can I leave him here with you guys?" Allison asked, "I want to go greet the girls."
"Sure," one of her cousins, Peter said, "we don't mind."
As she walked away, Peter gave me a beer.
"So," he said, "where are you from with that accent?"
"America," I told him. Soon, I felt right at home with all of them. I found out that some of them were married into the family and not born into it, so I was at ease. I didn't need to impress one of them, a thing I was glad about. But, soon I was going to meet her father and three brothers and was kind of scared just thinking about it. Would they be just as accepting as these guys? 

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