Chapter 20

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The day actually started off on shitty note. I woke up on the couch, so my body ached. I stood up very slowly, so I don't hurt a muscle. I then went to take a shower in my favourite rose-scented soap, so I would feel fresh for the day. But, then I got curious of something. I picked up the test and felt happy and nervous at the same time. I am pregnant. My hand went down to my belly and the thought of a little bundle in there made me feel overwhelmed. I smiled, his name would be Austen. I got dressed and went to work.

At work, I called a staff meeting, so I could talk to everyone.
"Hello everyone," I announced, "thank you for being here. First of all, who will be in charge of the models and who will be doing the shoes fashion page?"
"I'll do the models," Becky said.
"Okay and the shoe page?"
"Me," Julia announced.
"Okay, everything's sorted now from my side. Anything else."
"Yeah," Julia said, "we can't go for feminine. This month is all about bright colours."
"How 'bout pink and blue?" Becky asked.
"No not just two colours, let's do all."
"Okay," I said, "that won't be happening. Let's do three colours so everyone will be happy. Blue, purple and pink."
"Okay then," Julia agreed, "then we need to do the love page about celebrity weddings this month."
"I'll do that," I said, "is that all?"
"Yes, everything else is sorted now."
"Okay then we're done here. You can all go back to work now."
They all smiled at me and went back to doing the I work after that. Me, on the other hand went to do the article about the celebrity weddings. This was really interesting to me, some of those weddings were really just to impress other people and not because of the love at all. When I was done with the article, I felt relieved. I looked over at the time and saw it was already almost time to go home. But then, someone came into my office: Scott. I wondered what he was doing there.
"Hello," I greeted him and stood up.
"Hey there, Sweety."
"Excuse me, I'm not your Sweety no more. I'm married."
"Actually, you're fake married. I heard it along the way, talked to some people."
"What do you want, Scott?" I felt so frustrated with this idiot now.
"You, I want you. I'm sorry for what happened back when we were in high school. The thing is, I loved you and then you went and left me."
"I wanted you to be with Christie. You both loved each other since forever. I wanted that for you."
"Christie is more like my sister. We'll never be together. You and me, we belong. I mean, seriously that guy doesn't deserve you. I would give you..."
"That's enough," I held up my hand, "you have no right to say that. Jake is the love of my life. He's the only one I want. Don't you dare say a thing bad about him."
"You said forever, Allison. I would never forget that day. We were in my house and I gave you a teddy bear that day, you named him after me. What happened to us? We were great."
"I know I did, but I was a teenager back then. I'm not for you. If it isn't Christie, even though I know it is her, then you'll still meet your special someone. And then, you'll be happy. That's all I want for you."
"You don't get it. I know you said he's the one for you. But, you're the one for me. The only one I want. Why can't you see that?"
I sighed, "why now? The moment I'm finally happy you come back. Do you want to ruin me?"
"Baby, please give me another chance."
"Scott, you were my first love. I'll always love you but.."
And then he kissed me. My eyes grew wide and I tried my best to get him off me and when I finally did, I slapped him hard against his face.
"Get The Fuck Out!" I yelled and he did as told. He turned around when he reached the door. "We could've been something good," he told me.
I rolled my eyes and started packing my things up. I felt so angry, I couldn't think straight. I got into my car and raced home, while My Chemical Romance's, Mama blared from my car speakers. I wanted- no needed to talk to Jake. I had to hold him and tell him what Scott did and how I wanted to stop him. I wanted to tell him about our baby that's  on the way and that I am going to call him Austen if it's a boy. I parked my car I'm our garage an rushed to get into the house. The house was silent, so I knew he wasn't home yet. I walked into the kitchen, made myself a cup of tee and went upstairs. His clothes was gone from the bed, so opened the closet and saw everything was gone. And on the bed, laid another note from him. My heart sank and I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

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