Chapter 17

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"We're having a girl's night tonight," I told Jake.
Sophie decided we must have a girls' night, because we just can't have another night in. It was time to go out.
"Okay, honey. I hope you enjoy it," Jake told me with a  genuine smile.
"Thanks. And umm, do you maybe want to go out with the guys tonight? They're going to a club, apparently."
"Yeah, why not? Your family's kind of chilled to hang out with, so it won't be a problem."
"Okay, then. I'll go tell them then." I then left Jake behind and walked toward the living room, where all the guys sat and played Xbox.
"Hey, you guys," I said and they turned their attention to me.
"Yeah?" Theo said.
"Is it okay if Jake went along with you guys tonight?"
"Of course! Tell him he can come play Xbox with us too if he wants to."
"Okay, thanks."
I went back to my room to get ready and told Jake he should go play Xbox with the guys. I didn't really have anything to wear, so I asked my cousin, Bianca if I could borrow a dress or something. She borrowed me a short, black dress. I pulled my hair up and let some of the hair hang loosely in curls. After that, I did my make-up a little darkly with eyeliner for the night.

"We're finally going out, yay!" Sophie yelled as we walked out. Sophie isn't someone to sit in one place, none of us are, so we loved the idea to go out to have some fun.
As we got into Bianca's car though, Jake stopped me.
"Come here," he pulled me by my arm and dipped me. "You look hot, babe," he said and kissed me. I then came up and stood in front of him with a huge grin on my face. "You too," I told him.
"Be careful, I love you."
"I will and I love you too."
I got into the car and Bianca drove off, while I kept looking back at him. We were just out of sight, when they started making comments, starting with Demmy. "Wow," she said, "I wish my boyfriend could kiss me like that."
"You're not the only one," Lizzy sighed, "where would a person find such a guy. He's not only hot, but sweet too."
"I know," I said to them, "I'm so lucky to have him. But, please don't be jealous now. You guys all have great guys you know?"
"Accept for Sophie that is," Bianca said and we all turned to Sophie.
"Actually," I corrected her, "Sophie's dating Jake's best friend, Brian. But, it's only been going on for a little while."
"Ooh.. is he as hot as Jake? Do tell more!"
"To me," Sophie told her, "he's hotter. We hated each other at first, but now we've both realised what we have and we just can't keep our hands to ourselves. I actually miss him so much now."
"Impossible. He can't be hotter than Jake." Demmy gasped, "I'd throw honey on that guy and lick it off of him." Okay, gross!
Sophie just shrugged. I didn't agree with her, I never would. Jake's the most attractive guy I've ever met, inside and out. But, I'd never try the whole honey on him thing.

We stopped at a place named fifth street. It was just a place we could chill out before the nightclubs would open. This place had a great socially vibe to it. We ordered Cosmos and sat down at a table, close to a pool table where a few guys played with beers in their hands. We all just talked for a while, before I heard my name above my shoulder.
"Allison, is that you?"
I turned around to see Scott, my ex boyfriend behind me. I was shocked at first to see him again, but being with Jake made me over him. He made me see what love really is and what Scott and I had was nothing compared to what Jake and I have.
"Scott," I said, "how are you doing?"
"Just fine and you? I heard you're into fashion now."
"Yeah, I'm doing great now. Actually, I'm married now "
"Well, then I'm happy for you." He smiled at me and walked away. I felt relieved and for the first time, I was okay.


The club was noisy and you could feel the beat under your feet. We walked in after standing in a long row and it felt like I was a celebrity, as everyone stared at us.
"Apparently we married into one of the most good looking families in town," one of the guys told me (who's name I still didn't get).
"Oh okay," I replied as we got to the bar. It was a weird feeling that everyone in this town knew Allison's family and who have gotten married to one of them a feeling I needed to get used to.
"How did you and my sister get married anyway?" Frank asked me.
"On a beach," I told him, "it was just great, actually. We only had Sophie with us and my best friend, Brian. Oh, and a random guy we didn't know."
"Well, I'm happy for you two. You're so much better for her than that asshole, Scott was."
Scott? So that's his name, huh? Before I could ask more, I saw my wife walking in, looking hot in the dress she wore. I stood, as our eyes met and she walked straight towards me.
"Hey babe," she said and kissed me, as I traced my hands around her waist.
"Happy to see me?" I asked her when the kiss ended.
She nodded, "you have no idea. Wanna dance?"
We walked to the dance floor and danced the night away. Her hips were swaying from side to side as she followed the rhythm and every now and then, her eyes closed for a second. She looked beautiful and it was a great feeling to know she was mine, while everyone kept their eyes on us.

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