Chapter 16

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It's as if I could smell it in the air. This time every year, I wake up to the smell of happiness and peacefulness. It was finally Christmas, the time we all have been waiting for, for a whole year. However,I felt uncomfortable and soon I realised why: I was fell asleep on the couch. Jake's arm was still around me and his eyes still closed. I tried to get out of his grip, but couldn't get loose.
"Jake," I said into his ear, "wake up, babe." With that, his eyes opened slowly and a smile broke out onto his lips.
"Well then," he said, "this is how a man should wake up in the morning."
"Merry Christmas!" I yelled with a huge grin on my face. He let go of me immediately, "jeez, baby. You should really chill out."
"Why? It's..."
"Christmas," he finished, "I think everyone got that one."
"We sure did," I heard Sophie say, "merry Christmas everyone, wake up!" She then went and woke everyone up, by trickling them. Soon, we heard little giggles from the little ones and some: "can we go open presents?" My parents then came in, along with the other aunts and uncles, but Jake's mom was nowhere in sight.
"Everyone," my mom announced, "we'll give you one present to open and then after breakfast, another one."
"Yay, presents!" they all said together.
"Okay, first," my dad picked up a present, "Sophie. This is from your Ma and I." He gave her the present and she ripped off the wrapping from it, to see what's inside.
"Next," my dad picked up the next present? "Bianca. This one is from... Allison." Bianca jumped up and took the present, she gave me a hug and thanked me. It's the best feeling ever to just give, so I bought presents for some of my cousins, too. For Bianca however, I bought a new straightener. I know she loves one thing other than guys and that is hair products. So, when I saw this straightener, I just thought to buy it for her. My dad continued to read the names off of the presents. I soon had a few presents and then, I got my last present from Sophie. After thanking her, I looked what was inside. It was two great books from Jessica Sorensen, chocolates and a photo of us on my wedding day. It's a beautiful photo and I'll never get rid of it. We were just smiling, while the beach was behind us and the moment was perfect. I stood up and ran slot my sister. I sat on her suddenly, I placed kisses all over her face. "Thank you, Sis. It's beautiful!"
"Pleasure. Now, get off of me."
"Okay, everyone. Let's pray," my dad announced and we all grabbed hands.


I never prayed with my family, so when Allison's father announced we should pray I didn't know what to do. A little boy grabbed onto my hand and to my other side was an older lady. Everybody closed their eyes, as Allison's father did the prayer, so I did the same. He thanked God for all our blessings and that we could share this day together. It felt good to pray with so many people close to each other. And when the prayer ended we all said together: 'Amen'. I looked around, as all the men still had their heads down, praying on their own and then their heads came up with 'Amen'.
Wow, this is amazing.
"Time for breakfast," Allison's mom said. Everyone walked toward the kitchen, as my mom and I stayed behind. "Honey," she said to me, "have you talked to your dad?"
"No, I'll call him later."
"Please do. And, merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Mom."
I haven't talked to my dad since the night he yelled at me during dinner. And, I kind of miss my dad. I'm not spending Christmas with him and it got me sad when I thought about his Santa Clause outfit.

After dinner, I picked up my phone and called my dad. He answered after two rings. "Hello, son. How are you?" he said.
"Hello, Dad. I'm fine, merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas. I take it you heard about the divorce?"
"Yes, Dad. How you holding up?"
"Keeping on. How's your mother?"
"She's smiling." I admitted too quickly and he sighed.
"Oh well, then. If she's happy, I'm glad. Her happiness is all I've ever worked for."
His words broke me. I couldn't imagine Allison leaving me all of a sudden. I couldn't even come close to how he must be feeling. And, realising there's nothing my dad could do, was even harder.
"It will all look better tomorrow, don't worry." I told him.
"I sure hope so. Have a good Christmas."
"Thank you, Dad. You too." We hung up and I went back to my only hope: Allison.
She opened her arms when she saw me and I walked into it. I held her close to me, as she took my pain away, even if it was just a little. She's the only one who is always there for me and I never want to lose her. I'll do anything to keep her, anything.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Not really," I pulled away, "but I feel better now."
She smiled, "Well, then I'm glad. How's your dad doing?"
"He's still taking it in. But, I think he'll be alright."
"Of course he will. He's a strong man, he'll get thought this."
"Yeah, he will. Wanna go watch Christmas movies?"
"Why not?"
It wasn't the best Christmas without my dad, but Allison and all the happy faces around me made it all just so much better.

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