Chapter 19

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I woke up alone in bed, wondering where Jake could have been. Today, we were going to start our first day back to work and I just didn't want to. Still, I lifted myself out of bed with a sigh and walked straight to the kitchen with my phone in my hand. In the kitchen, I prepared us some omeletts and toast. I then switched on the kettle, when Jake came walking down the stairs already dressed and showered for the day. Usualy, he wasn't even up at this time, so I wondered what was going on.
"Smell's delicious," he said and pecked me on the forehead.
"So?" I asked looking him over when he sat down.
"So, what?"
"Why are you already dressed and stuff?"
He inhaled a breath and blew it out. "Look," he said, "my dad called this morning and he sorta wants me in the business."
"What?" I exclaimed, "you can't leave for America now."
He put up his hands to stop me. "I'm not. I'm opening a branch here." This confused me a bit, he always wanted to be a musician.
"What about your music?"
"That can wait for a while, can't it? I have to take care of you now and soon, maybe we'll be thinking of a family. I should quit messing around now." That reminded me of something, my period was late, by two weeks. But, I wasn't sure what was going on. So, I kept quite.
"Babe, don't do something you don't love. I want you to be happy," I told him.
"I am happy. When I have you, I'll always be happy." 

At work, everything was a huge mess. I left everything when I left for my assistant, Betty but she is unfortunatly not very organised. Next time I won't be doing that. It took me the whole day to get everything back on track and sorted, but I still needed to find some models for the next fashion page and needed to talk to all the journalists. But, that could all wait for the next day. After work, I stopped at the pharmicy.
"How can I help you?" the pharmisist asked me.
"Can I have a pregnancy test, please?" He nodded without hesitation and went to grab a little boc behind him.
"Thank you," I said with a smile an paid for it.
I then went back to my beautiful home and perfect husband. However, when I got there I got a suprise: Jake wasn't there. I went to make myself some two-minute noodles and found a note on the fridge:
Lots to do at work, baby. Sorry for not being home tonight, sleeping at Brian's house.
Love you
I sighed and went on to make popcorn instead and poured me some soda. I then put on a movie and relaxed on the couch. The movie stared Melissa Mcarty and someone whose name I didn't know. It was a funny comedy and I wished Jake was there to laugh with me and hold me when I started feeling cold. When the movie ended, I felt afraid to go upstairs, so I used the bathroom downstairs. I used the pregnancy stick, but didn't want to look at it, until Jake was home. So, I left it in the bathroom and went back to the couch and fell asleep.


When my dad called me and wanted me in the business, I couldn't say no to him. He's been through a lot these last couple of days, with my mother wanting a divorce and so on. But, the job sucked on the first day already. I had to let Allison sleep alone and that tore me. I didn't know if she was okay and my phone's battery died, so I couldn't even call her. Maybe if I was there that night, everything would've turned out differently. I slept at Brian's that night and we had a 'brother bonding'. He threw me a beer and we went to play pool. I started off and already were in the lead after a few tries.
"Bro," he said, "slow down. I want one in too."
"Not my fault you suck at pool."
He wiped fake tears at his eyes, "my heart, my poor heart." We both laughed at that and then something came to mind.
"So," I said, "when did you realise you liked Sophie?"
"Don't know, man she drives me crazy. She's always angry at me about the stupidest things. The other day she was down about a dream she had about me. I said it was just a dream, but then it turned into another fight."
"Send her some flowers, it helped with Allison. Whenever we fought, I just needed to make her a bit softer."
"So she can throw it in my face? No thanks, I'm cool. Allison and Sophie just ain't the same, that won't help."
"I think it will. When she does throw it in your face, look closer. When I sent Allison roses, she was still angry. But when I looked closer, she had a smile on her face. That's why I do everything for her. To see her smile."
"Woah bro, I'll try that. Maybe just not flowers but a huge teddy bear? But seriously now, you've become a total pussy." I shoved him a bit and he laughed.
"Just wait," I told him, "one of these days, you'll be just like me."
"Not in a million years." We'll see about that.

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