Chapter 6

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As I washed my hair in the shower, I heard Jake get up and start singing: "Hey, you look as good as the day I met you. I forgot just why I left you,I was insane..."
His voice soothed me and chilled my soul. He made me calm and I felt high on him.
I finished up in the shower and got out. I then quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed in jeans and a cute, flowery blouse. I really didn't know what to expect from his parents, so I packed only neat clothes for them. I really hoped they would like me better than they did the night before at dinner.
"Baby, you almost done?" Jake asked me from the other side of the door.
I opened the door, "Yup, you can go in now."
He pecked me on the cheek, "Morning, baby. You look pretty."
"Morning and thank you." I let him past me and went to read one of my books while I waited for him to finish up in the shower. 
I couldn't get a sentence in of what I read, my mind was in different places. I couldn't stop thinking about the night before and how loved he made me feel. I was like the luckiest girl in the world for having such a lovely husband. I don't think there was ever anyone who were better for me than he was. There was nothing at this point I wanted more than to be the best wife I could be for him.
Just as I looked down at the wedding ring on my finger, Jake came out of the bathroom. He went to sit next to me on the bed.
"So," he said, "what are you reading?"
"Uhh, I actually don't know. I'm not really reading."
I blushed, "yeah. My mind's not really into the book now."
"Oh really? Where's your mind at then?" he smirked.
"I don't know. Like, last night and you..." I started playing with my fingers on my lap.
"Well, I feel honoured. Thank you, my baby girl. Last night was amazing."
I looked up at him, into his dark eyes. I couldn't speak.
"How 'bout we go say morning to my parents?"
"Sounds like an idea."

"Your parents are out on business, Mr Sparks." the butler told Jake as we got to the large door.
"For how long?" he asked him.
"They didn't say, sir."
"Okay, thank you." Jake turned to me, "Come on, we're going out."
"Where to?"
"To meet some people."
He held my hand as I walked beside him to a garage. He pressed a button on a remote and the garage door opened. There were a few cars inside and all of it seemed so grand. What did you expect from rich people?
"Wow," I said, "this is really something."
"It is, isn't it? Can I pick one?"
"Sure, I don't mind."
He walked toward a black Mercedes and got in. After starting the car, he drove it smoothly outside and got out.
"Come on, get in," he said as he walked around the car to open the passenger door for me.
I did as he told me and got in.
"So," I said as we started driving, "Where are we going?" I was suddenly very curious, because I really didn't want to go to another house like his parents'. It's just that I feel so out of place.


A few years ago, Brian and I decided to go overseas to get away from all of this. We grew up in total different situations: my parents being rich and his, being more normal. Everything were fine in his life, until his mother became an alcoholic. He just couldn't cope with it anymore and came with me. But, it weren't just me and him. We had another friend, Sasha. The three of us came a long way and had been friend since the first grade. Sasha grew up very harsh. People always fighted around her and there were drugs and alcohol all around her. Our parents, obviously never excepted us being friends, but we didn't care. Out of all our differences, we had one thing in common: our love for music.
"So," I told Allison, "I never told you about this, but I have another friend, Sasha. She's really cool and I think she'll just love you."
I laughed, "yeah, but don't worry, we haven't dated."
"Well that's a relief. Are we on our way to her now?"
As we drove into Sasha's area, Allison started looking scared. So, I drove a bit faster.

Sasha's house still looked the same. It was neat and everything, but there were a lot of people coming and going. This is because her brother, Derek is dealer.
As we walked into the house, I pulled Allison closer to me. I have learned that she always feel safest with someone near her.
"Jake?" I heard Sasha's voice and turned to her.
"Hey," I greeted her with a smile. She pulled me into a hug, "I've missed you."
"Yeah, me too." We pulled away and she looked Allison over.
"This is my wife, Allison," I told her.
"You are fuckin' married and you didn't invite me?"
"Yes, but I couldn't help it. You were here and we were there."
"Well whatever, it's not like we can take yesterday back now is it. And you," she turned to Allison, "welcome to the family. We're gonna have so much fun together." She hugged Allison tightly and pulled away.
She walked toward the kitchen and we followed her. "So, how's that little shit of a Brian doing?"
"He's doing great actually. I think he's in love."
"Really, with who."
"My sister," Allison told her.
"Well then," Sasha porred us some Apple juice, "now that we're keeping it in the family. Do you have a brother?"
Allison started laughing, "Yeah, three, but they all have girlfriends."
"Would've snagged them away if it wasn't for Shaun." Sasha and Shaun has been together since I could remember. Neither Brian or I could've ever compete with Shaun, so we never gave Sasha a chance. And to make it worse, they got married right after high school.
"How's that going, by the way?" I asked her.
"Well, I'm pregnant and it's a girl."
I stood up and gave her another hug. "Sasha,that's fantastic! I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks my brother. You should see Shaun, he's so over protective now."
To see her glow like this, I couldn't wait for a little bundle of joy of my own, too.

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