Chapter 7

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I woke up to my phone was my mom. I jumped up so fast and answered the phone.



Hello MOM

*saying mom very loud to let Emily (who had woke up when the phone rang) know who it was*

Are you okay? where are you? who are you with?

Mom what are you talking about?!

The hotel called me to ask if y'all found a place to stay because your room was double booked! Where are you?!

*i put My phone on speaker so everyone could here*

Mom I'm fine trust me!!

Where are you?

*I panicked and threw my phone to Emily *

Hello! this is emily! we are fine we found another hotel!

Okay! I was just making sure!

Me and emily are going shopping so i'll talk to you later!

Okay! love you! bye

Love you!

I sat back down next to shawn and fell back to sleep without even thinking

"Wake up wake up!" I heard someone shouting at me.


"I'll get the water bucket and throw it on you!"

I sprang up!

"I knew that would get you up!" Nash said and I stared into his hypnotizing eyes. I just smiled.

"So, that phone call. your mom was worried?" Nash asked to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah, she gets really protective over me." I said

Shawn jumped into the conversation "Well I would to if I have a beautiful daughter in a different country that didn't have an adult with them."

I felt Nash talking to Shawn behind me.

I just smiled and thanked him for the complement.

"Hey savannah, can we go shopping today and get some new clothes?" Emily asked me.


"Can we come?" cameron asked.

"No it's okay! Y'all hate shopping and will just complain."

"Well then at least give us y'all's number incase y'all need a room key or something"

"Okay give me your phone"

All of the boys lined up.

After we put our phone numbers in all of their phones, shawn asked if he could see my phone. When I got it back it was on the contact "shawn ❤️ you" it made me smile. Then the door bell rang. it was the other guys.

"Hey we are going to get something to eat. Y'all want to come with?" Jc politely asked us and the boys.

"Well the girls are going shopping, but we can go and meet up afterward?" Brent announced.

"That's cool with us" Emily said.

So me and Emily went off to go get dressed. I jumped in a hot shower for about 10 minutes. While I was in the shower, Emily got all of our money together. When I got out, I put on what I had on the day before, I blow dried my hair and I didn't do anything else to it because it naturally curled. Emily hoped in after me and did the same, but she straightened her hair. Then we were off.

One Strum // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now