Chapter 14

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I woke up to a call from my mom.


Hey sweetie

Hey mom what's up?

I have to go but I just wanted to tell you we will be there In about 3 hours.

OH! Yeah! I forgot. Here sorry. Me and Emily will be there to pick you up!

Okay I'll call you when we land! bye! love you!

Love you! bye

*end convo*

After I hung up I realized where I was. I was laying with shawn on the couch. But not laying. We were both sitting straight up and I had my head on his shoulder. It was weird. Considering I always sleep curled up. Shawn was still asleep after the phone call. I decided to wake him up so he could help me get everybody else up.

"Hey babe, wake up." I whispered into his ear.

"No." He said repositioning himself away from me.

"Well that was rude." He giggled and turned around , grabbed my waist and pulled me back down on the couch next to him. "Shawn get up!" We laughed.

"Fine, I'm up." He said as he was rubbing his eyes and standing up.
"I had a weird dream last night."

"What was it?" I asked as I kissed his cheek.

<Shawn's P.O.V,>
I wanted to tell her my dream but I couldn't. It was about me and Brent fighting over her and both ending up in the hospital. I just needed to make something up.

"We were making a cake and when we opened the oven a cat came out." I have no idea where that came in my mind.

"Well, that was one of the strangest dreams I have ever heard someone tell me." She said as we both laughed. "We need to wake up the others to see what to do amount my mom." She said as she started to walk back and forth around the room. It was is cute.

"Here I'll go wake up the other room you get the people here." I offered

"Sure!" she said and I walked out of the Galway and used my extra key to open the room. I walked in to see everyone awake talking. I assumed about something random and stupid but to my surprise they were talking about savannah and Emily's mom. They told me there idea and we walked into my room.

<savannah P.O.V.>
Shawn walked in with jack, jack, Arron, JC and Taylor. I had just waken up Brent and Cameron. When everyone was I my room last night, I guess when me and shawn left nobody left. They all stayed in that room. When I walked in Brent and Cameron were just sitting on the bed. I guess they slept there. Nash and carter were on the pullout couch and emily was laying on the floor by the window and Matt was by the side table.
Back to when shawn and them walked in.

"Where is everyone else?" Taylor asked looking around. Cam pointed to the room. Jack g smiled and walked into the room. He walked out holding Emily. She was still asleep in his arms. He set her down on the couch next to me and shawn. She woke up and smiled at me.

"Good morning savannah and shawn!" Emily said in her voice that lights up the room. then all of the sudden I heard yelled and crashes in the room. I ran in there to see everyone with whip cream on there face and jack g laughing making a vine. He yelled.

"Best smack cam ever. "He smiled into the camera. After everyone cleans there face they walked into the living room and sat down.

"Well as y'all know. Our parents are coming. And last night I got a text that said the are coming today. In a couple of hours" I said and everyone was shocked.

"Well we have an idea!" Jc said looking at all of his roommates. They all smiled

"Okay then. Let's here it. Carter said, still trying to wake up.

Jc explain the plane and we all agreed. At that very moment my phone rang. I answered.




We just landed and are about to get off! we will have to find baggage flame and then will y'all be ere in time?

Yeah! we are on our way! the hotel isn't that far away!

Okay well see ya in a bit! text me when you are here!

Okay bye love ya

Love you too

*end convo*

I looked up at everybody and heard Nash say

"let's roll"

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