Chapter 12

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Me and Emily just stayed in the room till around 5 o'clock.

"Hey do you want to go to the room and get some food?" I asked her.

"Sure! wait, we don't have a key." she smiled. I knew what came next. "You should go out and ask shawn for the key he has!" She said in a voice that made me laugh.

"Orrrrr you should go out and ask carter for his keyyyyy." I responded with a burn.

"Kay!" she said as he walked toward the door in a walk as if she was waiting on me to say something.


"Hehe you can go" she said as she knew what I was going to say.

"Really! thanks!" I said skipping to the door.

When I walked out, there were so many people. I saw the guy that shawn and I sat next to why he practiced before the show. Because e was back there I knew he had something to do with the show. I walk in front of him trying to act casual to see if he was a security guard. He was!

"Hey umm... h-hi." Darn it! why did I always have to be so awkward when I ask people things.

"Hello." he said looking into my eyes.

"M-my name is ummm umm savannah. I'm Shawn's girlfriend."

"I know. "

"Well can u possible direct me to his booth please?"

"It's over there in the corner." He said pointing to a long line in the corner.

"Umm do u know a a a a a short cut to there. I just need our room key." I asked stuttering of coarse.

"Yep!" he said with a creepy smile.

"Where?" Wooooosh I was then in his arms.

"I'll just carry you." He said while e laughed. And then he started walking toward his line. Everyone moved out of his way. Well he wasn't the smallest person I have seen.

"Savannah?" I heard shawn say while he looked up after sighing an autograph.

"Hello!" I yelled in return. The security guard met shawn halfway threw the crow.

"I believe this belongs to you?" the security guard said while tossing me into shawn arms.

"Well wasn't that an entrance!" He said with his smile that only made me smile.
"So did u need something? or did u just want to say hi?" He said while walking back over to his booth still holding me.

"Well I wanted to say hi and that me and Emily were hungry so could we have the room key?" I asked as I put my arms around him. Well here in about 20 min me and all of the guys are going to take a break and go eat in the big dinning room here? I was thinking that you and Emily should come?" he said while he finally put me down.

"Here let me call her." I pulled out my phone.




So whats up?

Well in like 20 minutes the guys are going to eat in the dinning room here? wanna wait and go with them?

Sure! that will be fun!

Shawn walked over to me and asked if he could talk to her. So I gave him the phone.

Emily's P.O.V.

Hey Emily its shawn. So I was going to see if savannah could stay here at my booth until dinner?

Yeah that's fine! but I'm the only one back here.

Hold on one sec

Savannah's P.O.V.
He walked over and whispered something into the security guards ear. And hung up the phone and handed it to me.

"What was that all about?" I asked him when he handed me the phone.

"Ohh nothing! you will see in a minute or two" I was kind of scared of what he told him. But then I say the security guard holding Emily walking to Carter's booth. I laughed and so did shawn.

"Can I take a picture with you AND savannah?!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see a girl around 13 standing there.

"Hey savannah! come here!" shawn yelled trying to let me here it because if the loud crowd around us.

"Yeah! what did u need?"

"This beautiful girl, amber, wanted to get a picture with me AND you in it? will you?" he said smiling. I couldn't say no to his smile.

"Of corse. I would love to." I hoped in the picture. I hugged the girl and she said something that made my day.

"I wanted to give you some advise I have learned over the years." I giggled considering she was 2 years younger than me. "If shawn calls you hot, he likes your body. If he calls you pretty, he likes your face. And if he calls you beautiful, he loves you inside and and out." She smiled and walked over to her mom and disappeared into the crowd. I looked over to shawn. I loved him. And that was the same quote he told me. It really touched my heart.

I was just about to sit in the chair next to shawn taking pictures when all of the sudden the next girl asked if I would be in her picture. I agreed. The next thing I knew, I was in all of the pictures! it was so sweet that everyone wanted me I there pictures

We heard an announcement over the intercom "please people, we are trying to finish up here. you only have one more picture with the magcon boys. When you get the picture please try and clear the room. Thank you."

The crowd clears out very fast. I was surprised how organized magcon was! after we took the last picture we looked around and say that everyone was done except carter cameron and Matt. I looked over to see Emily taking picture with carter fans! I was so happy for us! I couldn't believe we got such amazing boys. When we finally reached the dining room, carter and cam had just finished there last picture. I sat down next to shawn(of course) and two empty seats so that Emily and carter could sit there. When em and carter walked in, Emily jumped into the seat next to me. As soon as she did Matt walked in. We could finally eat. We all sat down to eat. We were served steak and potatoes with a side of green beans. As soon as the good came out , jack ad jack yelled l simultaneously "AND WE WILL NEVE BE ROYALS! BUT YOU CAN CALL ME GREEN BEANS!" Everyone laughed.

When our food came out, a server came to ask me and Emily a question.

"Would y'all like any coffee from Starbucks? we have a Starbucks in this place. I wouldn't be a bother." The sweet young server asked.

Me and Emily looked at each other like we had either seen heaven or a ghost. Apparently all the boys saw it because we heard Brent say "hashtag white girl probs" everyone laughed.

I giggled then responded my usual confusing order. "Yes I would like a Grande white mocha frappucchino with hazelnut." I smiled then whispered to shawn "white girl probs!" he laughed and smiled. I was so busy I didn't even hear what Emily ordered. When the server came back with our coffee I was in love. "Thank you!" I said so I could be nice.

"Your welcome." The server smiled and walked away.

"Well.. lets eat!" I heard someone yell. We all did. After we had all finished eating. We all just started talking. Mostly about me and Emily, because they had just met us lay night. When finally i heard Taylor ask "soooo y'all are dating right?" he asked me and shawn.

Shawn looked at me and winked. "Yep" then he put his arm around me.

"Ohhhhhh" Arron said when he saw him do that. "Shawn and savannah sittin in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G," when he said that shawn cut him off by turning and kissing me. It was amazing. After that Arron shut up and started talking to Jc.

"Well that was interesting." Emily said as she poked my back.

I responded with a laugh. But then I decided to do something. "Attention. Since y'all asked if me and shawn are dating. What about carter and emily?" I looked to see Emily. She was blushing so hard. It was hilarious. I saw carter take Emily's head and turn it facing him. He kissed her. Everybody started to cheer.

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