Chapter Twenty.

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Yixing POV

                “Where is she? Where is Hyori?” Hana cried once she burst through the door.  Her face was struck with horror, and before I could react, Junmyoon acted first.

                “She’s resting right now with Luhan.” He answered her in a calm manner. “Leave her be, please.”

                “What’s Luhan doing with her?” Her voice was as cold as ice.

                “Comforting her,” I told her softly, “But please Hana, sit and calm down.  She’s safe and she’s resting.  Luhan is taking care and comforting her after such a traumatizing event.”

                “Did she—“

                “No, she’s still pure as an angel like always.” I cut her off, not wanting to hear that word again.  It was bad enough seeing her in tears completely naked, and afraid to be touched, but I calmed her down.  Seeing Luhan also calmed her down.

                Hana sighed and took off her shoes, walking past us and going towards the living.  We followed her and all sat on the couch or floor.  I examined her face and saw dark circles under her eyes, and she appeared more tired than usual.

                “Hana,” Jongdae spoke up quietly, “Do you need a ride home to your apartment? I can ask Luhan to take you.  You look exhausted.”

                She sighed and shook her head. “I’m fine, I’m used to it.” She sat upright and heaved a sigh. “I’ve just been busy managing Aero’s schedule, because it’s so hectic, and I realized it’s taking a toll on Hyori’s health.”

                I cringed.  Does she know?  I know no one else here knows, and it took all my willpower to not ask as she continued on. “Have you not seen the recent music shows?  Her stage presence is dead and her dancing is weak.  Even with group collaboration performances, she seems lifeless.” Her eyes turned to me. “You’ve been friends with her the longest, correct?”

                “For six years, yes.”

                “Has she always been like this?”

                I shrugged and shook my head, knowing exactly how to answer. “It must be because of the touring, filming for commercials, practice, staying in shape, and still staying in school to graduate that she seems weak.  She only gets about three to four hours of sleep as well, and, and, uh,” I began to stutter because I lost my train of thought, “she is also getting old.”

                “Her birthday is soon, isn’t it?” Baekhyun piped up.

                “It’s two weeks before mine,” Minseok whispered, “March 12th?”

                “Affirmative.” I agreed, nodding. “And that’s in a week and a half, however!” I raised my voice. “She hates parties.”

                “She does,” Hana spoke softly, “She never attends the company parties and we can never convince her to have fun.  She just stays in her own little world, sitting alone.  She doesn’t even take a sip of wine or anything. Anyways, back to the important topic,” Hana stood up and my eyes followed her movement, “I need to return to work.  Call me when she wakes up.”

                “You’re working this late?”

                “I always have since Aero’s previous manager died.” Her eyes grew a little sad, “I had to continue the work she already started, and figure everything out.”

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