Chapter Twenty Four.

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Exhaustion began to flood my veins as we just finished our music show and now heading towards a fan signing about two hours away.  I wanted to close my eyes and sleep, but deep down in my gut, I knew I shouldn’t.  Something didn’t feel right here, but yet again, nothing has ever felt right ever since my doctor prescribed me new palliatives for my brain cancer.

                Actually, I shouldn’t quite say palliative.  I researched my new medication, and it’s the latest medication physicians have come up with to cure cancer.  Lately, my head hasn’t been hurting as much, and I don’t feel as tired and worn out as usual.  The internet didn’t quite give me all the details about it because it recently just came out.  It makes me happy, that the world is slowly beginning to find a cure for cancer, but how long is it going to take to fully cure a victim?

                However, ever since he gave me the new medication, I would get sudden flashbacks of the past.  He told me that a symptom of the medication working is when my brain cells start producing more and I’ll slowly begin to remember my lost memories.

                Unfortunately, I don’t want to remember anything anymore.

                I don’t know what to believe anymore.

                For the longest time, I actually believed Luhan and I were strangers forced to live under the same roof.  For the longest time, I thought he could care less about me because at school, during pre-debut, he was Mr. Popular and I was just the emotionless girl in the back of the classroom who only had one friend in the school, Zhang Yixing.

                The past is the past, and I shouldn’t worry about it, but it only made me question Luhan more.  He absolutely despised me because Yixing decided to hang out with me more than him and his other friends.  I vaguely remember him bullying me, but it’s as crystal clear that I remember running to Yixing crying.

                I shook my head and pulled my knees to my chest as I stared at the passing by scenery.  Music was being played in the van, but it still felt like silence to my ears.  Just how much have I forgotten?  Did I hurt people in the process of my memory loss, but they pushed it aside and still accepted me for me? Oh, of course they have.  They’re still by my side now—even those hundreds of miles away are by my side, but I have doubts still.

                Luhan probably felt guilty for his past, I wouldn’t doubt it. I can’t tell now, because with what memory I have left of living with him, he just treated me like a normal housemate that suddenly fell for me.  Now that I think of it, it sounds rather cliché but…

                I sighed and felt my lips fall into a frown.  My left hand lifted up and I stared at the beautiful ring that I have on it.  When the media asked me what the ring is more, I of course had to lie to them, saying that it’s a ring Minri and Hyuna bought for me on my birthday when I turned twenty in March. 

                It’s still hard to believe that I’m not a teenager anymore, and it’s crazy that I’m now officially an adult. Minri and Hyuna are also twenty now, and I have to include Minseok, Yixing, Yi Fan, and Luhan. We’re all adults now, pursuing our exhausting and stressful career.

                As I stared out the window, my eyelids started to droop and I almost fell into a deep sleep until I felt my phone vibrate.  I inwardly groaned in frustration and reached for it, blinking away my exhaustion as I focused on who sent me a text.


                Happiness spread all throughout me as I quickly unlocked my phone and immediately went to my messages.  Did their manager finally let them have phones, or did he secretly buy another one? It doesn’t matter.  I finally get to talk to my best friend.

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