Chapter 1

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I trotted up the driveway to Heartland letting Ghost move out like he needs to coming up the hill I saw Amy in the arena jumping Dexter, slowing to a walk I watched as she moved as one with Dexter over the jumps. Laughing as she wasn't paying attention I kicked Ghost up into a canter and cantered through the open gate and over the first two jumps and then cantered over and stopped next to Amy.
"Morning Cowboy, when did you take up riding bareback?"

'Oh you know it's always been an important part of my training, also I left my saddle here yesterday because it was raining'

Laughing Amy started walking to the barn and I followed her.

"I didn't know you could jump like that, maybe we should train on you for the fall classic"

chuckling nervously I just looked at Amy.

'me? In tall boots and a coat? I think not'

Amy only shrugged and looked at me. I hopped off Ghost and put him in his pen outside and looked at the sky.

"There's some rough weather rolling in"

I looked over at Jack walking up to me.

'Yeah I heard something about it on the radio this morning'

Jack nodded and looked at me almost studying me, he looked like he had something he wanted to say but decided he should let it go.

"I'm uh headed to town to go to the States with Lisa for a week so I won't be here and Amy and Ty are going up to the fish camp to check on the wild horses up there, I think they will be gone for atleast two days."

I nodded and looked at Jack.

"I'd like it if you stayed in the loft upstairs to keep an eye on things while we're all gone"

I nodded looking down at my feet

'sure thing Jack'

he nodded and headed towards his truck.

I walked back into the barn grabbing the wheelbarrow and stared mucking out stalls.

"Hey Caleb?"

I heard Amy calling so I stepped out of the stall I was in

'yes ma'am?'

She and Ty walked up to me.

"We're heading up to the fish camp,do you need anything before we go?"

I rolled my shoulders looking at them

'no I don't think so Jack said I could stay upstairs while everyone is gone so I might borrow the ranch truck to just grab some of my things for the next couple of days'

Ty nodded and Amy looked sad.

"Okay Thanks Caleb"

They turned to walk out when Amy turned around and gave me a funny look

"Mallory cleans the stalls, why are you doing that?"

I shrugged my shoulders not really knowing the answer,

'just wanted to make sure everything was dry and buttoned up for the storm.'

Amy nodded and turned and left with Ty.

As I was finishing the last stall Mallory came running in the barn soaking wet and shaking. She looked at me

"that's my job"

she said looking disappointed.

'I know but everyone left and I didn't have much to do and now you don't have to shovel shit'

I said trying to make Mallory feel better.

"They all left?"

Mallory was in a slight panic as she said it.

'Yeah I guess Jack was going with Lisa and Amy and Ty went up to the fish camp with some hay for some horses up there'

Mallory looked like someone had just kicked a puppy in front of her.

"What's wrong?"

Mallory looked down and tried to compose herself.

'They said I could stay here and my parents left and now everyone left here too'

She managed to get out with very little sniffles. I sighed and looked outside the weather was already terrible and Mallory was already wet.

'Jack said for me to stay here so I can keep an eye on things while everyone is gone, so I'll stay in the Loft. You can stay in your room in the house and it will all be good eh?'

Mallory nodded and headed to grab the wheelbarrow

'I cleaned all the stalls'


Mallory mumbled and then stood there awkwardly shivering. Sighing I looked at her

'are your jeans too wet?'

Mallory looked sorta alarmed that I would ask such a thing but she shook her head no. I walked into the tack room and grabbed my backpack that I leave here with spare clothes. Just in case you know?

'Here Mallory go up into the loft and put these on, my jeans won't fit but there's a shirt and a hoodie in there that will at least be dry'

Mallory nodded and quietly said


and then headed up the stairs.

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