LMAC | Chapter Eight

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---Chapter Eight; Forgive me?---

ホスト クラブは多くを意味する, 玉城ね?

(The Host Club means a lot to you Tamaki, doesn't it?)

I awkwardly watched the Host Club clean up the outside area they used for the 'Outdoor Picnic Event'. They were all quiet and they weren't talking to me. Well, scratch that, Tamaki's the only one who's not really speaking to me. I'm guessing it had something to do with what I said to his 'customers' or princesses'. But that just shows that he cares about them more then me, not that it matters, I suppose.

"You can go ahead inside Haruka. . . " Tamaki mumbled dryly as he folded the checkered red-and-white blanket. I pressed my lips together. "Fine then. . . " I grumbled, rolling my eyes and walking off back into the school building.

I don't get it. What does he find so special about the Host Club? And why does he get so worked up over it? Personally, I don't understand it. The Host Club is nothing but something for boys to do in their free times. But, why would he defend me like that if all he was going to do was turn around and scold me?

I looked up, not realizing until now that I had made it successfully in the correct music room, though I did it without even paying attention. "Stupid Host Club.." I grumbled, positioning the violin on my shoulder. "Stupid Tamaki. . ." I scoffed, running the bow smoothly against the strings. I smirked. "Stupid. . ."

I soon played a unrecognizable deep, rich, melody. The note's weren't as deep as a cello or bass, but, they were hitting everything just right. The notes flowed together like the ocean itself, almost even like someone like Beethoven had conducted it all. I moved my arm in a rhythmic-like pattern. The same pattern anyone playing would use. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

Suddenly, it hit me. The Host Club, to me, is just a silly little club, nothing more. A club where filthy rich boys lure girls in and flirt with them for pleasure. Flirt with them and toy with them, which is just about what every man in the world does or at least is capable of. But. . . did I ever think about what it means to Tamaki?

I mean, I bet any human being could see the Host Club has it's reckless points but. . . could It mean more to Tamaki? Just by my short amount of observation I've noticed how much he treasures this club. He has names for his customers, he's always smiling when he's doing his job, and to top it off he does whatever he can to keep the club in shape. That doesn't just go for him alone though.

Everyone treasures the Host Club. Not just Tamaki but the twins, Haruhi, Kyouya, Mori, and Honey. It means so much more to them then I've realized. Sure, not all of them act like it but they do. They really do. They put so much dedication in these events, their heart and soul into it. It may not mean much to me but . . .

I stopped playing, slowly and carefully pulling my instrument and bow to my side.

"It means the world to them. . ." I whispered in shock.

"Wow! That was amazing Haruka-Chan!"

I abruptly stood up and whipped my body around to see someone I didn't expect to see. Well, a group of people I didn't expect to see. "H-H-Honey-Senpai?" I said, raising my eyebrows before letting it register in my brain that the whole Host Club had been here the entire time. "That was really great." Haruhi smiled, clapping his hands.

I felt my cheeks warm up, my eyes widening. "H-H-H-How long were you guys standing t-t-there?" I asked in shock.

Honey beamed a smile. "Long enough to see exactly what Tamaki was ranting about!" he laughed. Kyouya pushed his glasses up and glanced at me. "Yes, Tamaki went on saying how talented you were and furthermore but we can tell he wasn't just bluffing." he said. I looked at Tamaki who's arms were folded, his face pushed towards the opposite direction.

"W-Whatever.." he pouted. I watched as they all gathered the room in a matter of seconds, Honey hopping beside me with sparkling eyes. "Oh could you play again Haruka-Chan!" he pleaded and Haruhi chuckled. "E-Erm, um...I guess." I said softly, smiling at Tamaki.

"But, I don't think I can do it alone." I said. Tamaki widened his eyes and looked at me, blinking a few times in disbelief. "H-Huh? Are you asking me to play with you?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulder's, letting him decide for himself. His lips traveled from ear to ear as they formed a big grin.

"Oh Haruka I never thought you'd ask!!!!" he squealed out loudly, throwing his arms around me and hugging me to death, the smell of his sweet cologne filling my nostrils. "Let me go!!!!" I yelled, ignoring the laughter of the others (except for Mori who only smiled).

"Anyways, let's start now. Shall we?" Tamaki said kindly after he released me and got situated to play the grand piano.

I blew a bang out my face

"Of course you dork." I mumbled, smiling.

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