LMAC | Chapter Ten

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---Chapter Ten; What's this feeling?---

私が思うこの気持ち... t することはできませんが、右?

(This feeling. . .it can't be what I think it is, right?)

"MY DEAR HARUKA-CHAN~HAVE YOU GOT THE COO-" Tamaki stopped his loud and dramatic announcement as he entered the room when he saw my position. Or, our position. Haruhi and me, our position. He blinked a couple of times as if he was registering what he was seeing before widening his eyes. "What the heck are you two doing!!" he screamed, making sure to slam the door behind him.

"H-Huh?" I said, not quiet understanding what was making him burst like that. Haruhi then blushed (once again) furiously red and pushed back his hand rather quickly, swiping his head towards Tamaki in a hurry. "N-N-N-N-Nothing!" he stammered, gasping and shutting his mouth. That's. . . weird. Haruhi's never acted like that. He looks nervous and uncomfortable. Not to mention he's been blushing almost the entire time.

"Obviously you two were doing something!!!! A-And what happened to the cookies!!" Tamaki yelled, frowning deeply while doing dramatic motions. "Oh, Haruhi came and surprised me. I ended up dropping the cookie's though. . . " I looked at Tamaki and sighed. "Sorry. . ." I muttered and this time his cheeks reddened a bit, scratching his blonde hair and averting his eyes from me.

"I-It's fine. . . " he mumbled lowly and cleared his throat.

"Anyways, we should all head back out there."


"I'm so sorry for the way I acted! I was just so jealous a-could you ever forgive me!?" one of Mori's customers rambled to me as I offered her a chocolate-chip cookie. "I-It's fine. . . " I said dryly, covering the fact that I'd rather die then accept her stupid apology. Ever since Tamaki and the other's scolded the girls for their behavior a while ago I've been receiving apologies all day. To girl's I've seen here and there to girls I had no idea even existed.

It was weird to actually be noticed around Ouran Academy now. I mean, before people just knew me as a well-known violinist and nothing more. But, it's almost as if the Host Club is somehow even more important then that. Since I've joined the club it's been different around the academy. Not in a bad way but not in a good way either.

The girls have been nicer and more polite. They've seemed to have calmed down since then. Though it still ticks me off that the only reason their apologizing is because of the club. I shook my head at the dreadful girls. I can't believe I'm still in this weird club.

"So, Haruka, how are you handling your job, maid?" the quiet but sly teen said, pushing up his glasses. I stopped in my steps and turned around, glaring at Kyouya who only smirked. "Shut up four eye. . . "I grumbled the last part lowly. Kyouya snickered, glancing up at me. "Four-eyes? What are you, twelve?" he chortled.

I rolled my eyes at his sneezy remark. I've come to terms that Kyoya can be a smart-ass and somewhat unpredictable as well. But he's also calm and logical, something I sort of admire about him. "Whatever. . ." I said and sighed. "What are you doing?" I asked, seeing how he was glued to his clipboard (as usual). "Managing the budgets. . ." he replied.

Wow, so interesting. . .

"Hey, Haruka-Chan." I turned around to see Haruhi again, blushing red when he met my eyes. "Hm? Y-Yes?" I stuttered, blushing a bit. He smiled cheekily. "I-I wanted to apologize for earlier. . . in the back room. . ." he trailed off as embarrassment seemed to grow inside of him. "I-I-I-It's fine!" I blurted, widening my eyes. He jumped and chuckled.

"G-G-Good. . ." he said softly and brushed his brown hair behind his ear. I bit my lip and quickly pushed the tray of cookies towards him. "W-W-Want one!?" I asked. D-Damn, why am I so nervous!? "H-Huh? O-Oh, sure." he said before chuckling gently and grabbing a treat. What's wrong with me? I'm so nervous, I'm blushing like crazy, and I've got butterflies in my stomach.

What's this feeling?

This weird. . .weird. . feeling. .


The Host Club slowly came to an end as seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to two whole hours. After cleaning up the area and saying our goodbyes to the rest of the Host Club Tamaki and I went to the music room. It was one of those days where the rest of the club didn't join us, probably too busy.

"So Haruka, how are you liking the club so far!" Tamaki said as he walked towards the black piano. I hummed and pressed my back against the pastel-pink wall, slowly sliding down until my bottom reached the floor. "It's. . . interesting so far. You guys are. . interesting." I admitted, smirking. And it's true. The boys all have different personalities and I think that's what draws girls to the Host Club so much. That and their good looks. . .

But, I still don't think the Host Club should exist. . .

Tamaki chuckled and took a seat in front of the piano. "We're known for being interesting and handsome." he said causing me to roll my eyes. His eyes shone bright blue until he noticed something, or at least his eyes indicated that. "Why don't you have your violin?" he asked. Did I not tell him? "I want to listen to you. . . I already know my part. . .so. . ." I smiled.

"I'd like to listen to you play." I continued. His cheeks brew a dark shade of red and he shook his head from side to side as if he was trying to keep himself together. "Um okay." he mumbled shyly.

I grinned as his fingers moved around the keys at a rapid pace. He closed his eye's while he began to lose himself in the music and melody. Before I knew it, he was playing the song to his hearts content.

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