---Chapter Twenty-Seven; Care To Dance?---私はなぜ私が前進し続けるべきかについての答えが欲しかった。 。 。
(I wanted an answer on why I should continue moving forward. . .)
"We've been working night and day with the dancing, the Host Club, and my competition." I informed Shido through the phone, laying on my back and staring at the ceiling lights that lit up the room beautifully. "Wow! Really? That sounds tiring.." he hummed in response. I shrugged my shoulders even though he couldn't see me. "I guess it'll be all worth it in the end, also, are you going to be able to make it? To my competition tomorrow with Tamaki?" I asked.
Yes, tomorrow was the second round of the competition. Two weeks had already passed by and I was currently catching up with my brother, waiting for the maids to gather my outfit for the Host club event tonight.
"Sadly, I don't think so. I've got some errands to run, yeah. . .pretty. . .important errands. ." I could almost see his smirk growing on his lips. Even though he's a horrible liar I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not. Maybe he was, and maybe he wasn't. "Oh. . ." I mumbled, not bothering to hide my disappointment. Maybe it was for the best, if he came then people would notice him. .and some dumb photographer will be bound to snap a photo of him and leak it which would result in chaos with his fans and the media here. The news would soon get to mother and father, and they would both be furious.
Shido cleared his throat. "Anyway. . .hows mom and dad?" he asked quietly. He asked about them all the time, and yet they never seemed to care about him. I haven't even heard Shidos name in this house since mother kicked him out. I think the truth is that Shido does care for our parents. No matter what they've done they're still our parents, the ones who gave us life. Deep down I think that Shido misses them. . .and he misses being a family too. "Fine." I lied.
I try to ignore the loud yelling coming from their mouths as they argue through the moonlight. I twist and turn in my sleep, cover my ears with my pillow, I do everything a child could imagine to do when trying to block out noise. But nothing seems to work. Then the next day, all the cruel words and tears my mother shed that night disappear. They act like nothing happened, like we were all one big happy family. Like the Miyagawas are perfect and always will be perfect. I use to think that despite of the arguments they had. .until I heard the sound of a hand meeting skin, a whip across the face.
That's when I realized we would never be perfect, no matter how hard we tried. And everyone knew it too, they were just too afraid to say anything.
"You're lying, it seems like the son of a bitch we call our father won't be happy until he beats the living crap out our mom. And guess what? I bet she still won't divorce him, all for her reputation." he grumbled, his voice soon becoming sharp as he spoke. "Shut up. . .don't say things like that. . " I mumbled and laid on my side, closing my book, losing interest in it. I didn't want to admit but. . .he was right. She would never divorce him. .never. .he could murder me and the servants here and she still would defend him. Why?
"I promise you. . .once I get the courage. .the courage to face our parents and prove to them that I've changed. . .Im getting you out of there." he said in determination. I widened my eyes. He's. .getting me out of here? "And when I do. .I-" I looked up as my mom entered the bedroom, panic arising in the pit of my stomach. "Haha~alright alright gotta go Tamaki! Bye bye!" I laughed wearily and quickly ended the call without hesitation. If she knew I was talking to Shido she would kill me.

Love, Music, And Cancer | OHSHC
Fanfiction❝Welcome to the Host Club!❞they all said together once more. I strained a tight fake smile at them all, grabbing the double doors and slamming them shut before I could witness anymore of the 'Host Club'. ❝That's definitely not the room.❞