❝Welcome to the Host Club!❞they all said together once more.
I strained a tight fake smile at them all, grabbing the double doors and slamming them shut before I could witness anymore of the 'Host Club'.
❝That's definitely not the room.❞
私は何年もの間、私の兄弟を見ていない (I haven't seen my brother in years)
My brother, Shido, stared at me, dumbstruck.
I stared back at him, dumbstruck.
Many questions swarmed throughout my head, suffocating me until I was certain I was lacking of air at the moment. When did he get here? How did he get here? Why is he here? And out of all places, why did we have to bump into each other here? And last question, does mom and dad know about this? Surely they wouldn't happily greet him with welcome arms. . hell and I know they wouldn't let him back in the house. .no matter how much success he's gained ever since they kicked him out. . .
"S-S-Shido?" I stuttered, continuously staring in my brothers brown orbs, a few more awkward minutes passing by before a giant grin formed on his lips. "Haruka-Chan! I almost didn't recognize you!~"he yelled happily, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a bear hug, a gasp leaving my lips as I felt my feet leave the floor. "I've missed you so much! It's been so lonely these years without you! You've surely matured a lot!" he continued to ramble though all I could do was groan in agony of him crushing my ribs.
"S-Shido, please put me down. . .you're chocking me. ." I muttered softly and he chuckled as he put me down. "Sorry little sis. . . . " he mumbled shyly, gasping loudly all of a sudden and grabbing my shoulders. "Haruka-Chan what happened to you! What are you doing? Why are you dressed like a bo-"
I widened my eyes, elbowing him hard to shut him up, everyone in the rooms eyes shifting towards our direction. "Ow! Little sis what was that for!?" Shido wined, a pout forming on his lips. Promptly the females eyes went large when they spotted my brother and let me tell you, you never want to experience a large group of girls squealing so loudly that you're sure your ears are going to bleed and hop themselves away from the room.
"Oh my god it's Shido Miyazawa!"
"Harukas brother!!!??"
"The actor!?"
"Actor?" I said confusingly, watching with horror as they started on their way to swarm not only Shido, but, the both of us. "Yes, actor ." Shido said as if it was obvious, chuckling afterwards. I halted myself from cursing at him, the girls who were about to pounce on us was more important in my opinion. As if planned Tamaki suddenly came out of nowhere, standing in the middle between the army of females and my brother and I.
Tamaki smiled. "Now ladies, I'm afraid our time is up." Huh? "Unfortunately, we've been informed that Mori is awfully sick." he sighed sadly. "Therefore, we're cutting the club short for today, please wish the very best for Mori." he posed dramatically, earning a chorus of sad remarks from the girls who's moods drastically went down because of the news. I-It was that easy?
I scratched the back of my hair, glancing at Shido who's eyes were locked on Tamaki, observing him carefully.
Shido, what the hell are you doing here?
My brother smiled a wide smile, his large brown eyes glowing brightly with pride. "I'm Shido Miyagawa, a famous actor and model." he announced while I sat in the love seat, a boring sigh escaping my mouth as the rest of the group listened in awe. "A brother!?" Makato chirped.
"Huh!? Haruka has a brother!? Why didn't you tell me this Kyoya!?" Tamaki remarked, running to him with a pleading facial expression. "Unfortunately there is little to no information of her having a brother in her profile. It's almost as if he doesn't exist." he replied simply, humming afterwards. Shido forced a hard laugh. "Mom must've forgotten to add that information! Typical." he chuckled. Typical? Give me a break. . .
Tamakis lip started to cripple as if he was about to cry. "My beautiful Haruka! Why didn't you tell me this pure information!?" he wined, tears bursting out his eyes. I frowned deeply. "I was trying my best to forget about him." I muttered lowly, and Tamaki slowly stopped crying, confusion beginning to form on his face. Shido must've heard me because he laughed again, only this one was more strained. "That's funny Haruka-Chan~"
"Haruka. . ." Tamaki mumbled. I gave him a weak glance, moving my sight to something else. I didn't want to see Shido, he was the last person I would've wanted to see. . ."How come you don't live with Haruka?" Honey asked as he snuggled with his stuffed bunny. Shido fake smiled. "Because. . .um. .it was by my choice. Our parents allowed me to go out on my own and pursue my dreams independently." he answered. He was never the best at lying. "Wow!" Makato gasped. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.
The sun was still out and bright as ever. The pastel blue sky took over the earth, the floating white cotton candy up in the sky decorating my surroundings. I suddenly wanted to leave the room and go outside, not to get fresh air or anything, but, just to get away. .I found myself staring out at the sky for maybe six or seven minutes before someone in particular spoke up.
"How do you feel about that?" Haruhi broke me out of my short trance by her voice. "H-Huh?" I stuttered, blinking rapidly. She smiled kindly in return, a warm blush spreading across her cheeks.
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"Man, how come you zone out so much?" Karou asked, petting my head as I scrunched my face up. "Your brother insisted that we hang out, he has a special place in mind." Hikaru said as he also petted my head. Weirdos. .
I looked up at Shido, his stupid smile still remaining on his lips.
It doesn't seem like I have a choice in this situation. . .