---Chapter Twenty; I Want To Join The Club---あなたがいなくて寂しいです
(I miss you.)
I barely had to look around the room, knowing that I had been here multiple times and that the area was literally glued in my head. The giggles from the annoying prestigious females, the fallen rose petals that were now laid beautifully on the floor, and the pink room that fitted the Host Club so well. I widened my eyes, my lips parting at the sight. I've missed this place so much, more then I thought I originally did.
"Welcome." a now recognizable chorus of males sang together.
I could feel myself yearning for the bright light effects to go away as soon as possible, this unique and yet highly stupid club gave me something nobody or anything else has accomplished at doing. But, it's trying to leave my grasp forever as if I don't need it anymore. This happiness, excitement, and love I felt for the club. . . I don't want it to go away. I want it to stay with me forever, and ever, until I die and can never reopen my eyes. It sounds selfish, because it is selfish.
Even though Makota is obviously a tomboy and doesn't fail to succumb the typical blonde-headed stereotype I was sure that in a matter of seconds she was about to fall to her feet, praising the boys like they were some type of gods. But she's not like most girls, and that is what I secretly admire about her, despite just meeting her.
"What's up my boys!" she hollered, pumping her fist in the air while her hair flew gracefully with her.
I blinked at her actions, everyone else sending her weird looks, everyone except for the Host Club. Tamaki grinned widely and laughed. "Welcome Ms. Makota! You've gotten more--" Hikaru started, his brother standing up alongside him. "Annoying since your last visit." Kaoru finished, smirking. Makota snickered. "~And you guys haven't seemed to give up your male prostitution club." she commented, bowing and congratulating herself at her insult. I couldn't help but steal a chuckle under my breath.
Tamaki blushed furiously and cleared his throat. "I can assure you for the millionth time that it's not that type of club Makota." Kyoya sighed as he pushed up his glasses. Makota snorted, swinging her arm roughly around Kyoya, his glasses almost slipping off the bridge of his nose. "It's that kind of club in my eyes."
"And, who may this lovely beauty be?" Tamaki said, grabbing my hand and planting a kiss on it. But, this time I didn't blush. I didn't smile or shriek. I didn't even swat my hand back. Instead, I noticed and realized how he was taking my words seriously.
"Lets cut ties"
I winced as he stood up, his blue eyes twinkling though darkening as well at the same time. "Eh? You don't know Haruka? Have you been living under a rock or something? Besides, I heard she worked in the club." Makota said, currently fiddling with Honeys hair who was giggling at her actions. Tamaki put on a smile, a smile that seemed to be forced in my eyes. "I'm afraid those were only rumors, I've never seen this princess in my life." He replied.
My stomach began to churn. Maybe I deserve this, for lying to him about everything. But, I only lied to protect him from the pain he'll feel by getting too close to me. I sighed. I guess that doesn't make it any better though.
"Tamaki.." I breathed out, my voice barely above a whisper. I'll never get this chance again, there's absolutely no reason for me to come to the club. So, if I let this opportunity slip through my fingers, I'll truly be lonely. . . and I oddly don't want that anymore. Tamaki either didn't hear me or ignored me completely because he turned around, beginning to walk back to the rest of the club.
"Tamaki. . ." I said a bit louder but like before he continued walking, and I began to get the feeling that he was blocking me out. Because, he doesn't know me. . .Im a stranger in his eyes now. . .and it's all my fault. I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed his arm, jerking him back which caused him to stumble in shock.
"I'm sorry. . ." I mumbled quietly, bringing my head down. "I didn't mean it. . .I don't want to abandon the Host Club." I muttered, looking up at Tamaki who's eyes had softened. " I was stupid, inconsiderate, and selfish." I rambled as he started to run his hand through my tangled locks. "And I miss everyone. . . I miss you." I forced the embarrassing words out, swallowing a lump down my throat as I started to blush.
Tamaki widened his eyes as his cheeks reddened, his gaze never leaving mine while the rest of the group watched us.
Say something, idiot.
"Haruka. . ." Haurhi said, smiling warmly. "I knew it, you lying dirty bastard! I knew the rumors were true." Makota laughed, folding her arms.
"So, you want to join the Host Club again milady?" he sang playfully, grabbing my hand and twirling me around (though I stumbled awkwardly) before he wrapped his arm around my waist. I blushed in embarrassment, though gladly Makota came over and slapped his hand away from holding me.
"Stop flirting with her pervert. Your other "princesses" will get upset." she joked, and he blushed and looked away. I chuckled and looked back at Tamaki.
"Yes, I would love to join the club again."
Tamaki grinned.
"That's great, because, we already have a task for you."
I frowned.
"You do?"
He nodded.
"Well, unfortunately Mori is sick today and can't attend the Host Club. Therefore. . ." his smile grew seemingly larger. "We need another male."
Makato laughed, tears sprouting from her eyes.
"Let me guess! She's gonna have to dress like a boy!!??"

Love, Music, And Cancer | OHSHC
Fanfiction❝Welcome to the Host Club!❞they all said together once more. I strained a tight fake smile at them all, grabbing the double doors and slamming them shut before I could witness anymore of the 'Host Club'. ❝That's definitely not the room.❞