---Chapter Twenty-Eight; Makato The Thief---マカトはとても馬鹿です。私は彼女を死に愛する。
(Makato is so stupid. .but I love her to death. )
"Your hand is cold. . ." I whispered against Haruhis neck, my breath hitting her skin gently, making her jump a bit and hold my waist tighter. "S-S-Sorry. . ." she stuttered. It was probably the one hundredth time she'd stuttered around me, it was pretty cute. I don't know how long we've been dancing, it seems like it's been going on for hours. I guess it tells you something sense neither of us have protested about it, maybe because in reality it feels nice. Soon enough I forgot about everyone else here, it was only us two, just sharing a moment together.
My heart was thrashing rapidly against my chest, and like before. . .my body was tingling, it was undeniably hot, the warmth crawling itself to my cheeks slowly as if it was merely teasing me. Love, it's been on my mind for a while. Not only because it's taken be this long to realize my feelings for Tamaki, but, because it's developing again, for someone else. And. . . I don't know how to stop it. . . but that's the thing, you can't control it. There's nothing you can do about it. . it just. . . happens.
"Attention everyone!" the voice of Kyoya rang out loudly and everyone stopped, including me, in response. "What's going on?" I mumbled, locking eyes with Kyoyas tall figure as he stood broadly, spotlights flickering themselves on towards him. "I think they're starting. . . the hide and seek thing. . ." Haruhi answered. To be honest I would've liked to hear what Kyoya had to say, you know. . the instructions of the game and what happens if you win (even though I already know how it works) but someone in particular popped up surprisingly out of the blue. "What's up my sweet children of Jesus!" Makato yelled loudly, swinging her arm around Haruhi roughly. A few heads turned to look at us (mostly females) who gave us "threatening looks".
In all honesty Makato actually attempted to dress up and didn't look too bad. Sure, her hair was in a flat ponytail, messy and wild as usual but her pastel blue dress suited her perfectly, caressing her body nicely. "Shut up Makato!" I whispered but she only giggled. "You know you love me!" she winked and leaned over to kiss my cheek. I stubbornly wiped her kiss away, looking away before smiling. It's impossible to stay mad at her.
"So please, enjoy the game, find your prince, and win a dance." Kyoya smirked, ending his speech. Before I had the chance to even say anything what felt like an earthquake suddenly erupted, you wouldn't have known that it was only almost half of the female population that attend this school, shoving each other to the side to roam around the school for Tamaki. "W-Who in their right mind thought this was okay?" Haruhi whimpered, clutching Makatos arm tightly. "Tamaki. ." I grumbled. The girls were almost like animals hunting for their prey, I can't even believe Tamakis father even allowed us to use this entire school for this event. But, surprisingly, even though it looked like a lot of girls their weren't many who participated.
Unexpectedly I felt something snatch off of me which made me widen my eyes. Not like taken off, I mean snatched off, like someone just stole something off of my body. My wrist suddenly felt vulnerable and naked as I watched the last girl trot to engage in the friendly hunt. Did I really just get . . .robbed? It took me a while to let that question settle in my head, it took an even longer time for me to admit it was true mentally. Not only was that an expensive bracelet but. .that was my mothers bracelet. She insisted I wear it tonight, dammit. .
Then it swiftly came to me, the last girl who left this room. The one who trotted out like a dork with frizzy blonde hair and a cobalt attire.
Makato. . .
I gritted my teeth and prepared myself for the pain I was about to feel in my toes as I began running after the crazed teenager in heels.
Makato laughed insanely as I grabbed onto her dress, knowing she'd have to stop or else she'd ruin the gown. What I didn't let register in my brain is that Makato is a tomboy, therefore this is perfect for her. She cockily smirked before twirling around, forcing the frabic in my hands to break apart, causing her dress to become much shorter then before. "Thanks love! That dress wasn't my style anyways." she blew me a kiss and snickered, slipping her heels off immediately and continuously running.
"Makato!" I yelled angrily as I watched her disappear around the corner. She had been dragging me up and down the stairway, in and out of classes, and all around the hallways. I think we've been around the entire school by now. Either way it didn't matter, I didn't understand why she was doing this and where exactly she found the energy. I don't know how many times I've taken breaks throughout this little "game".
I huffed and threw my heels off too, placing them neatly beside Makatos. I took a deep breath and started running and turned a corner, surprisingly spotting Makato who was casually leaning against the wall. Was she waiting for me? When she saw me she smiled like a goof and was about to run off again until I launched myself on her, making us both collapse on the floor in a heap. She laughed hoarsely which made me laugh too.
I snorted and rolled off of her, thinking of how we looked like those people in movies. "I guess you were looking for this?" she stuck her tongue out and pulled out a golden bracelet from her bra along with a cracker. I tried to hide my disgust. "I was looking for the bracelet. Not. .the boob cracker." I joked playfully, grabbing the jewelry out her hand, sitting upright and clasping it back on my arm. Much better.
She giggled as she sat upright with me. "I love boob crackers." she replied and chowed down the snack. "Where did you even get that?" I asked. "It was with the appetizers. There was so much good food there." she commented and stood up, reaching her hand out which I happily took a hold of. She dusted her hands on her (now) short dress and walked behind me, grabbing my shoulders. "Do you know what room this is?" she said and I looked before me. "The principals office. Why?" I asked. Then I noticed that I already knew the answer considering I helped with it.
I blushed. "You brought me to Tamakis hiding place." I grumbled. She laughed. "Correct! Now! Go talk to your Prince Charming!" she squealed and pushed me closer towards the door but I grabbed the handle, steadying myself. "What are you talking about?" I asked with little irritation. She pulled the thick rubber band that held her hair up off, letting it flow down. "Because you love him." she said flatly.
I stared at her. She stared back at me. My reflection in her eyes seemed to slowly taunt me, therefore, I looked away. I parted my lips to speak. "And don't give me that 'I don't like him' crap or 'how could I love someone like him are you insane' blabber. It's obvious now that you've realized your own feelings for him." she stated, never looking away from me. "How did you. . ." I mumbled wearily and she genuinely smiled. "I can just tell." she shrugged her shoulders.
I tightened my grip on the handle, opening the door not more then an inch. I can't do it. I won't allow myself to do it. .I won't let myself. .bring anymore pain onto him. .then I've already done. .because. . .because. . I. . love hi-
I yelled loudly as I felt myself be pushed to the other side, falling flat on my stomach clumsily. M-Makato!!! "Good luck!" she whispered quietly and closed the door behind her.
"S-S-Stupid Makato. ." I groaned painfully. My stomach felt like crap. . .oh god that hurt. .why is she so rough?

Love, Music, And Cancer | OHSHC
Fanfiction❝Welcome to the Host Club!❞they all said together once more. I strained a tight fake smile at them all, grabbing the double doors and slamming them shut before I could witness anymore of the 'Host Club'. ❝That's definitely not the room.❞