---Chapter Twenty-Three; Realization---。 。 。
(. . .)
Out of all the places the world, out of all the cafes in the world, of course he had to choose this one. "Sakura cafe. ." I mumbled out loud as we all walked in together, giving Shido a side glare. "Hehe. . sorry, it's not like I picked this place on purpose." he shrugged his shoulders before walking in. I sighed when Haruhi put her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, are you alright? You seem down. .." she asked. I tried my best to smile back. "I'm fine." from the corner of my eye I could see Tamaki listening to us, his face not convinced by my answer.
Sakura cafe, it was that one cafe where you would find all the people with the money. It was the building on the corner of the street always bustling with rich folks, classical music, and over expensive furniture. When I was little we went here all the time. .me, Shido, mom, and even dad. But, that was during the time where everything was absolutely perfect. There was nothing to worry about, we had no trouble in our lives, no conflicts, we were actually perfect. Yet, all good things must. .and I mean must come to an end sooner or later.
The welcome scent of coffee in the afternoon and pastries waft throughout the air, calling to my dry mouth that now yearned for something sweet to devour. A large table sat in the front where enough chairs were placed for all of us, an open window on the side allowed the sun to bathe the furniture. "Tamaki. .that table. It's perfect." I mumbled, pointing to it. He stared at it for a minute before nodding his head in agreement, already informing Shido. I looked around the building some more, widening my eyes at the front of the room where a large grand piano stood. When did they place that here?
Soon enough we all took our seats and Shido was already causing a ruckus by scanning the room eagerly for a waitress, causing everyone to chuckle at his childish ways (despite him being the oldest). I found it interesting how nobody noticed me. .Shido naturally took the spotlight but, I didn't think he still had it in him. Not like I have a problem with it. It just hasn't happened in a long time, ever since he left.
The suns heated my seat and it feels comfortable to sit in. I hummed to myself at a memory that suddenly floated into my head. It was when I was younger, maybe around nine, and I found it odd how nobody scrambled for my attention. When I walked in public places and people saw me they casually smiled or simply walked by. This was during the time when my stardom was just beginning, I thought your fame would follow you everywhere. Until, my mother told me that they're just like me. You don't receive attention from people like you, if you're rich and they're rich they're not going to freak out over your new clothing. They probably designed that outfit, or own multiple versions of it.
But, currently everyone is staring at Shido, and it's not because he's drawing attention to himself. It's because he's suppose to be with our grandfather in New York. At least, that's the lie our parents presented to the public.
A waitress teetered herself over to our table as her grin seemed as if it was painted on her face. Her heels are a horrible pair to wear considering she's on her feet all day but she knows that they make her look amazing. I shook my head in remembrance of her feet, knowing that after this shift they were going to hurt like crazy and probably shrivel from the pain. She has too much make up on for her own good and I just now realized how different the world and people look once you start looking closer.
She pulls a pencil from her mini skirt pocket and goes through the questions she asks every customer. I looked to my side out the window to see blue birds swooping down on the pavement ground, eating crumbs or anything else they could find that was edible. Children run at them, giggling loudly as they made the birds quickly fly away,
"Ma'am?" I jumped and looked at the waitress, secretly wanting to slap her for annoyingly chewing her gum throughout her sentences. "Your order?" she said a bit impatiently. I gazed at her boredly while she pushed a blonde choppy part of her hair behind her ear."Blackberry cornmeal cake." I answered her, watching while she sloppily wrote my food and sashed off. I use to always get that cake as a kid, it was my favorite.
I sighed and looked at the front of the room again and a boy, not older then nine slowly walked up to the piano, taking a seat and cracking his fingers. Is he. . .going to play? I sat up straighter and ignored the chatter going on around me, hoping it'd go down once he began playing. I watched his first finger go down and create a loud sound that echoed across the room.
I've never been a huge fan of the piano as I've said before but, some people are absolutely spectacular at playing it. I swung my head to the side as the boy began to play twinkle twinkle little star, a classic tune. Like Tamaki for example. .hes amazing at playing. I use to think that's the only reason I was aquatinted with him. .but. .I think there's something else. .theres another reason why I'm so attached to him, why I want to stay with him, why I want to-I parted my lips at my thoughts. I turned my head towards Tamaki who was grinning at the youngsters playing.
No. .thats not possible. .or is it?
His eyes shined brightly while his soft hair danced with his movements.
Do I. .
I swallowed a lump down my throat, bewildered by my own thoughts. A series of claps entered my eardrums and I assume the boy finished playing already, he must've played a shorter version of the lullaby. I groaned softly.
Do I love Tamaki?

Love, Music, And Cancer | OHSHC
Fanfiction❝Welcome to the Host Club!❞they all said together once more. I strained a tight fake smile at them all, grabbing the double doors and slamming them shut before I could witness anymore of the 'Host Club'. ❝That's definitely not the room.❞