LMAC | Chapter Nineteen

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---Chapter Nineteen; Led To The Club I Wanted To Forget---


(is it bad that I'm glad this happened?)

I admire how the library is quiet and only the sound of children whispering and the occasional hum from a photocopy machine filled the timid atmosphere. Yes, I was back in the library but not for English Class. Actually, I decided to visit here afterschool to study for a while. Again, I miserably failed to get the Host Club off my mind and the talk I had with my mother didn't help at all. Well I mean, it helped me conclude myself to a decision I suppose. Like usual I had completed my studying in a shorter amount of time then I thought which left me with quite a while before Mr. Robert came to escort me home. That means I get free time in the library.

I walked around the countless wooded bookshelves, trying to find novels that hooked my interest. Minute by minute I found myself collecting books one by one until I had stacked a total of eight books in my small and weak hands. "J-J-Jesus Christ I need to exercise. . . " I groaned, ignoring my legs that wobbled as I walked blindly to the front desk. Damn these books for stacking above my eyesight. I prayed to god that I wouldn't do a cliché move and bump into somebody, but I guess the gods didn't want to listen to my prayers today because I soon felt myself accidently bump into a figure, my books falling out my grasp as I stumbled backwards.

 I prayed to god that I wouldn't do a cliché move and bump into somebody, but I guess the gods didn't want to listen to my prayers today because I soon felt myself accidently bump into a figure, my books falling out my grasp as I stumbled backwards

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A few heads turned towards our direction from the noise and I received the rather annoying shushing from the front desk lady. I bit my lip and quickly bowed before the person sheepishly. Dammit, why am I such a klutz? "S-Sorry, I didn't see you th-" the person quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side, my eyes widening at their fast actions. I gazed at the female who pulled me up against a bookshelf beside her, clutching my wrist so hard I was afraid it'd break. "H-Hey, what are you d-" "Shh. . . " she said hastily, pressing a finger against her pink lips. I blinked rapidly, not really knowing what to do. What can I do?


The unfamiliar female and I both flinched at the loud voice that barged into the silent area, but I could tell it must've been her name since she bit her lip and even stiffened when the male called her out. I listened carefully as a scolding voice entered the picture. That must be the front desk lady or the librarian. Either way, at least he's being taken cared of. I glanced at the girl still holding my wrist. Now, who the hell is going to take care of you?

She cracked up a bright smile and snickered as if she committed some rebellious crime. Instantly, she stepped out from behind the bookshelf and pulled me along with her. She pointed dramatically at the guy who must've been chasing her as he was getting lectured by a worker, though their attention (and everyone else in the library) both fell on her body once she opened her mouth.

"Haha! You couldn't catch me you sorry excuse of a track runner! That's what you get you freaking dumbass!" she yelled like a mad woman and did a hand gesture.

I widened my eyes at her slender finger that sprouted up, along with the boy, students, and everyone else remaining inside the room.


was I stared blankly into space, wondering weather I was dreaming or not. Never have I ever been kicked out of a library. The thought had never even crossed my mind and to be honest I never saw a reason why I would get kicked out of a library. No matter if it was public or a school library. But, I guess anyone would get kicked out of a library if some random girl suddenly held onto your wrist and even did so when she yelled and flipped a guy off.

"Wow! That was so fun! We should try that again sometime!" the hyper female said happily towards me and it wasn't up until now that I could get a better view of her facial features. Her eyes were a strong baby blue and her hair was a sharp golden. It was naturally straight and fell to her waist, not to mention it had a few curls here and there. "I think not." I muttered, folding my arms and walking off from my previous spot. I didn't even get to check out the books I wanted.

I was sure enough the annoying girl had left me alone until I heard footsteps that dragged with mine. "Aw come on, don't be that way! My name's Makota Yamasaki! A pleasure to meet you!" she sparked, holding her hand out for me to shake. I stared at it for a second, frowning and continuing to walk away from her. She looked confused for a second. . . for a mere second. . before it suddenly transformed to happiness and she glided herself beside once again. You would've never guessed that she even attending Ouran Academy.

She grinned widely. "So doll-face are you gonna tell me your name?" she asked curiously, and I shrunk at the nickname 'doll-face.' It seems like the nicknames people address me with get more cringer every time. "Why would you want to know? You just got me kicked out of the library." I sighed, wondering how I found the strength to even talk to this girl. Makota giggled furiously and I noticed that her voice is actually very angelic. It definitely doesn't fit her wild personality. "It doesn't matter anyways, I already know your name. Haruka Miyagawa, the famous violinist." she said it like she rehearsed it all in her head.

I sighed again. I'm not surprised. She's probably seen billboards or something about me on the internet. She then grabbed my shoulder with one hand, a reassuring sigh leaving her mouth. "You have no idea how hard I'm trying to control myself from freaking out and asking you for an autograph." she said in a dreamy-like way and this. . . this caught my attention. I raised an eyebrow up at her, knowing for sure that she was kidding or that there were hidden cameras around and that I was being pranked. "You listen to classical music?" I asked, truly shocked.

She swung an arm around me and chuckled. "I only listen to your classical music pieces." she admitted. She's so rambunctious and wild that I would never think she listened to classical music at all. "Now, I know I don't look or act like it but I really do listen to your music. See, I've always seen you in class or reading or some boring crap like that but I never had the guts to talk to you. You always seem so focused on your actions." she rambled. "But now look at me! I've actually got my arm around the adorable Ms. Miyagawa." she stated, winking.

I nervously chuckled at her and was about to wiggle myself out of her grasp when she smiled even wider then before (if that's. . . possibly) and jumped forward, proceeding to do jazz hands in front of a door. "And now presenting the only reason I stay afterschool!" she announced, smirking and flipping her hair to the side. I then realized that I had obliviously been following her around the school until we reached her desired destination. . .how more stupid can I possibly get. . .

"Where the heck did you lead me t-" I halted as I read the sign above the double doors.

Makota snorted and quickly opened the doors.

Music Room 3

The smell of cologne, those damn annoying roses, and the groups harmonic voices soothed my sense.

"The Host Club, where else?"

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