Chapter 8 : Just tears .

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Deep .. fresh .. smelly .. 
he inhaled it deep .
and then open your eyes .

black .. ofcorse . what did he expect ? red ? blue ?

,, kyungsoo ?"

he turned his head to , where the voice was coming from . the sweet warm . voice he knew .

,, jongin ?" he chrocked out as he moved his hands to rub his eyes .

,, you scared me you little penguin!" jongin scolded at him angry

,, penguin ?.... what happened ?"

,, you got a fucking infection. on youre side upon youre ripcage there was a cut . you didnt even tell anyone about . the doctors said it wasnt that bad when they first saw it and forgot to bandage it ..  but for gods sake kyungsoo .. you should have told me. that was the reason why you always winced back. how many time have i-"
,, it's ok i get it .. no need to freak out mummy " kyungsoo stoped him from talking since it seemed to each no end ,, i'm sorry i thought it was just a little bruise or something . it's not like i could see it to know that its not "
jongin stayed quiet at that. tearing his eyes away from him to his Hands. 

,, wh-os .. whos chanyeol again ?"

,, he's my cousin he's gonna stay over christmas . it's tradition .. to be honest his mum just doesnt want to be with him on that day because chanyeol would always hate on other people ."
kyungsoo smirked at that

,, he reminds me of you "

kyungsoo cleard his throat raising both eyebrows offended
,, excuse me !? i do not hate on other people ?"

,, why do you hate me then ?"

,, who said i do ? ."

,, so you dont ?"

,, i did "

,, but ?"

,, back then you were boring simply normal . lazy ... bla bla "

,, and now i'm ?" jongin smiled

,, weird "
jongin smile disapeard and he raised an eyebrow seriously

the younger swollowed again moving his head around as he got into a mor comfortable Position  ,, wheres chanyeol ?"

,, he's out to grab some snacks . we didnt know when you were going to wake up "

,, so i'm still in the hospital ?"

jongin thought about answering this since he knew kyungsoo could be realy stubbborn and the undertone he had ..  pointed in that direction. ,, yes ? ."

,, then lets go to kris " and ofcorse he was right

the Shorter stood up from the bed in an rather not so slow move causing his legs to give in and his head to poud as he instandly held himself on jongins shoulder.

,, no lets not do that and first get you back to normal .. the infection wasnt the only thing that made you werent sleeping enough soo and ive noticed that you bearly eat , is there something else you want to tell me "

he blinked a few times .. he couldnt tell jongin that it was killing him he couldnt tell him what haunted him at nighttime .. he just couldnt not even kris knows so why should he tell jongin              

,, i wouldnt know "he said as he sat back down with the help of jongin .

,, has it something to do with the nightmare you had ?"

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