notice |dryflowerpetals|

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hey guys, i don't know how many of you guys will read this but this is just a statement i have to kinda "release".

from today onwards, i am highly likely to not take in anymore requests. you can still send in your request/idea, but i may not write it.

the thing that prompt this was that there was an incident where i tried some of your requests and i just can't seemed to write them. to be straightforward, i didn't like how i wasn't given the choice to write it my way and that i had to follow a guideline to achieve the ending wanted. it felt really dry and unreal for me. even though some of you guys may have enjoyed it, i certainly had a really hard time writing it.

usually, i can write 1000+ words within an hour if i'm inspired and really love the idea ((like F.U., it was really a fun experience writing that.)) however, some ideas taking me 3hours just to write 700+words. it just feels really forceful to me and it does not represent who i am.

but, i'm someone who keeps her words. whatever requests i've taken on, i will still work on them and CONSIDER whether i will do a part 2 or not. i really hope some of you guys will not blame me for this. i know it's not professional as a writer to not be able to write a variety of things but this is all i can do now instead of giving you guys false hope.

i hope you guys would understand my point. thank you for taking your time to read this.

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