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Monday, December 5th.

The cold winter air made my body shiver. Light snow fell from the sky. I pulled my hat back over my ears and shoved my hands back into my thin pockets.

Students walked inside the school to find warmth and savour it.

I was waiting for my best friend to return.

Maya Hart has been living in San Francisco for three months now and finally she has returned. She came back late last night so I didn't get to see her but today I do.

Lucas had asked me if Maya would be returning. I told him the truth of course since we don't talk that much and I don't want to be seen as a liar.

I looked at my hands seeing them gone pale and slightly blue. I exhaled. I continued to look at my hands then felt the presence of another person.

"hey." I looked up and saw Farkle.

Farkle Minkus the schools sweetheart. I used to have a thing for him in the ninth grade, but then gave up trying because it seemed like he had no time for people like me.

I was about to reply but he started to talk again.

"Don't get a cold, Riley." He placed some gloves in my hands before giving me a smile and walking away.

"Farkle." I said somewhat loudly as he walked away. He looked back at me. I looked at his pink nose then back at his blue eyes. "Thank you." He nodded as a way of saying: you're welcome.

I felt my heart beat quicker.

I shook off the uneasy feeling and fixed my mindset back to Maya. I slid the gloves on.

maya: almost there riles.

riley: I can't wait PEACHES!!!!

I cuddled into my jacket.

Students walked by.

I saw the petite blonde get out of her car. She looked gorgeous as always. I smiled and stood up. We ran to each other and embraced in a warm hug. "Riley." She whispered.

"holy shit Maya." I replied. I felt a bit happier. I had a real smile on my face.

"you're so cute, Look at you!" Maya squished my cheeks after pulling away from our hug. "let's go inside, you look freezing."

"I am!" I chuckled "Farkle gave me these gloves."

"Ooh is he still dating Bitchy Bradford?" Maya smirked and I nodded.

Farkle has been dating Missy for two months... it doesn't affect me of course but she totally is cheating on him if you ask me.

Maya and I entered the school and went into the library. I filled her in on everything happening at Abigail Adams. She thought it was all pathetic and couldn't wait to see Lucas just to tease him.

• • •

my hands grazed over the piano keys ever so lightly. It felt like my mind was elsewhere.

when I was just a kid we moved into this apartment and when I was investigating around I found a door at the back of my closet. When I went inside there was the most beautiful grand piano. My parents convinced me that it was a sign to take it up as a hobby, so that I did.

My ultimate dream is to perform Mozart on a stage in a slick dress with the crowd filled with conservative people.

it's all I've ever wanted to do... just to show the world what I'm best at.

But for now, I need to start small and build up slowly.

I'm happy that my parents convinced me to play because if not... I would have nothing that would make me happy. I have much to be upset about like: the principle at school hates every student... especially me (I'll explain later), I feel so damn lonely although I have people all around me, I know my dream will never be fulfilled, I want someone to love me but... no.

I was in the middle of the most intense part of the song when:

beep beep beep.

My phone was buzzing on top of the piano. I picked it up and looked.

maya: riles.

riley: yes?

maya: Lucas asked me on a date.

I wish I had someone to do that with....

riley: oh... cool.

maya: I said yes.

maya: I'm scared though. I drive people away and I REALLY don't want to screw this up.

riley: trust me when I say you'll be fine.

maya: you really think so?

riley: I know so, peaches.


maya: cool right?

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maya: cool right?

riley: it's amazing Maya, you are so special.

unlike me.

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