my flower

705 20 2

riley matthews

I straightened my curly hair and gave myself a middle part. I for once did my makeup too, it took some effort but I looked nice and well put together.

I put on the dress, I thought it went well with the nature theme... I looked like a daisy.

I walked over to my mirror and and looked at myself as I slid on my heels. I smiled at myself, but on the corner of my eye saw the corsage Leo got me last year. I walked over to it and slid it on my hand.

"Riley!" My mom called from the bottom of the stairs "Charlie and his parents are here!" She yelled. I quickly grabbed my phone and clutch before walking down the stairs. I saw everyone in the living room. Charlie had a corsage in a box in his hands.

"wow, you look really nice." Charlie looked in awe. I smiled as he walked up to me. He opened the corsage box and was about to take off the one already on my wrist but I pulled it away.

"No!" I said quickly "-sorry it's just important to me I need to wear this one..."

"what why? I bought you this one..." Charlie asked in confusion.

"Riley take it off, he got you one-" My mom said in disappointment.

"I'm not taking it off I'm sorry." I said angrily

"Riley." My dad said once more

"Leo got me this last year and there is no way I'm going without bringing a piece of him with me." I said loudly in defence. The room went quiet and Charlie's parents looked down. "I'm sorry- I need a minute..." I ran upstairs. My mom ran after me. "Mom I made a huge mistake..." I felt like I was going to cry.

"what's going on?" She asked

"I should be going with Farkle... but I couldn't turn Charlie down especially with the band and flowers it would be so embarrassing for the both of us." I admitted making my mom nod.

"I knew it." My mom said "but you're too far in, you can't go back now- so have fun and ignore the haunting feeling."

I sighed.

farkle minkus

It was last minute and I was trying to make up my mind if I should go or not.

I walked into Leo's bedroom trying to see if I had left my jacket In there but when I was walking to the other side of the room I tripped over something. I looked down to see the Do Before Die book. I picked it up and let a sigh out.

I sat on his bed and flipped through the pages letting the memories fly. I got to the last page in the book and it was something I've never seen before... it was Leo's handwriting.


It's me Leo... and by the time you're reaching this I've probably already passed away. I need to tell you that I love you so much for sticking with me through my sickness... I know it was hard for you and I appreciate every minute. Thank you for bringing someone like Riley In my life as well, she really was one of the best people I have ever met. Her heart is so big and I love her so much. Speaking of Riley I see the way you look at her when she's not looking, I see the way you smile when she laughs, I see how you get all nervous when she's close to you and touching you. You have a crush on her buddy it's been obvious ever since you made rules that I wasn't allowed to look at her for longer than 5 seconds haha. I don't care what is in the way of you telling her how you feel you need to do it NOW, because if you don't then someone else will realize how great she is. go get her. I love you, I love mom, I love dad, I love Riley, I am happy.

Love Leo.

I was crying and I didn't even know it. I shut the book and ran into my room. I put on my tux quickly and then combed my hair to the side with some gel. I sprayed myself with cologne. Then grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs and slid my shoes on.

I got Neal to drive me to the school.

I was nervous the whole ride there. I was texting the guys that I was on my way.

Neal pulled up to the school and I thanked him before running out and to the gym where the prom was being held. I gave the people my ticket and I ran inside. I saw the guys so I walked over to them quickly.

"Hey Farkle you made it-" Lucas was saying.

"Where's Riley?" I cut him off and maya furrowed her eyebrows at me. If anyone was gonna stop me I know it's maya.

"why?" Maya asked quickly

"Where is she?" I asked more aggressively

"over there with Charlie." Zay pointed to the middle of the dance floor where people were drinking and talking. I saw her.

she looked stunning, I was lost for words.

"oh my god." I whispered at how amazing she looked.

"what's going on?" Maya asked while grabbing my arm. I ripped it out of her grasp before walking in her direction "Farkle!" Maya yelled as I walked away. The song The Night We Met was playing and I felt like everything was in slow motion.

As I got closer she saw me, she was shocked that I showed up I could tell on her face. As I got up to her I put her face in my hands gently then kissed her. I pulled away after a few seconds then looked at her face. Her breathing hitched. "I love you." I whispered and her eyes filled up with tears. I was pulled away from Riley aggressively.

"what's going on?" Charlie asked in anger

"This is my-" I began to say but Riley cut me off

"Charlie... I don't want to be more than friends and I thought I made things clear." She said and he rolled his eyes walking off.

"you love me?" She asked. I looked at her.

"how could I not..." I admitted.

It was quiet besides the music in the background. She quickly walked up to me and kissed me. I felt a million sparks and so many feelings. She pulled away and smiled.

"I have always loved you." She smiled making me weak at the knees.

prom is officially the best thing invented

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