sadie hawkins

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Farkle Minkus

Me and the doctor had a long conversation about getting Leo out of the hospital. He's going to be in a wheelchair, and someone has to remind him to take his meds everyday.

I couldn't wait to have my brother at home. Maybe I won't feel guilty anymore. I walked back into Leo's hospital room.

Riley and Leo were having a conversation about which Spider-Man movie was the best. He was laughing at her responses.

"hey riley, Neal is here to pick us up." I replied feeling guilty to take her away from Leo.

"alright." She stood up from sitting on his bed. She put on her jacket and zipped it up. "bye Leo, goodnight." She kissed his cheek in a friendly way. He smiled.

"bye Leo, I'll text you." I hugged him.

Riley and I walked out together. Once we got outside it was snowing a bit. She stopped me out front of the hospital.

"I read it." She said bluntly. I was about to ask how she felt about it. "You don't have to feel guilty Farkle, this situation isn't your fault... Leo doesn't want you feeling that way. Leo knows how much you do for him and he doesn't want you to feel guilt he wants you to feel appreciated. Don't waste your time with Leo feeling guilty, feel joy that you're with someone you love." It was quiet for a moment "that's my edit on that."

"Riley! Farkle!" Neal waved and Riley walked over to the car and got inside, I followed behind her.

I was stunned by what she said, it made me rethink it all. Neal started driving.

"Would you play for me sometime?" I asked in the middle of silence

"yeah- of course." she replied with a smile that could light up any dark room. Neal stopped outside her apartment. "thank you Neal! have a nice night Farkle." She said before opening the door and leaving.

• • •

"It's just like I remember it!" Leo said while we pushed him into the house. He was getting used to the wheelchair slowly but surely. We took the elevator up to his room. "hey do you guys mind if I go in here alone... it kinda emotional for me."

"of course." Riley smiled and we walked over to the staircase and sat down. "How do you think he's taking it?"

"I think he's doing well, once all the emotional things are done he'll be okay." I replied and put my head in my hands.

"You're doing good Farkle." She said quietly, I looked up at her and smiled.

"check number one off the list! What's next?" Leo wheeled over to us in joy. I quickly flipped open the book.

"Next is movie night with the family." I replied.

"I'll head out then." Riley stood up and clasped her hands together.

"you are family now." Leo looked up at her with a smile. I couldn't help but smile myself.

Riley Matthews

It's been a couple days since the movie night that we did on Friday. So we accomplished some more goals like; crashing a party, going to eat out at chubby's, have a campfire, and some more little things. I know I was only supposed to visit Leo once a week but I found myself wanting to go more and more.

leo and I have been getting super close and it's an amazing feeling to know you're doing good.

I walked into school and to my locker. There was a paper taped onto it. I took the paper off and saw that the winter prom was coming up and it is Sadie Hawkins edition where the girls ask the guys. I scoffed and was about to crumple the paper.

"what do you think you're doing?" Maya took the flyer right from my hands. "The Sadie Hawkins dance." She smirked "who are you gonna ask?"

I laughed a bit "you really think I'd go to that?" I opened my locker and grabbed my books. "Besides... even if I did go to that, I have nobody to ask."

Maya had her thinking face on. "You could ask pretty boy." She looked over behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Farkle with lucas and zay.

I just had the greatest idea.

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