a liking.

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Wednesday, December 14th.

Her lips colliding with mine and a trail of kisses going down my neck. Sometimes it's hard to control myself when I haven't talked to my girlfriend Missy in a couple days.

there is something off about Missy you know... she will be around me for like one hour a day then go off with other people doing what she does.

"O-okay slow down." I managed to speak out. She backed up and gave me a dirty look.

"we haven't seen each other in days and you tell me to slow down?" she was whisper yelling since we were in her bedroom and her parents were down in the living room.

"And who's fault is that?" I made a snarky remark and she gasped. Oh god. It just slipped out. "I'm sor-"

"Go home." Missy pushed me away and walked over to her bedroom door. Her hand touched the knob and pulled it open.

"we need to talk about us, Missy!" I replied.

"You want to talk about us? Okay! We are on the brinks of a break up if you don't leave." She was trying her best not to yell. I couldn't take this bullshit anymore.

"fine... we're over Missy. You try to control me and tell me what to do when I know damn right that you are going behind my back with other guys." her jaw dropped at my courageous words "and honestly I'm tired of you." I added, She was about to freak out. "I know you're going to twist this for the public but everyone knows what type of girl you are. I tried my best not to listen to them and give you the benefit of the doubt but the more I continue on with you the more I want to end it."

"Farkle Min-" she was about to go off.

"we're over." I replied walking out and she slammed the door on me. I was super nervous to walk by her parents so I ended up climbing out the window. When I got to my car I unlocked it and went in the drivers side.

farkle: guys I um...

farkle: i broke up with Missy just now.

lucas: omg

zay: hahahaha

farkle: Zay?!

zay: sorry but I really don't like Missy...

farkle: she's not the nicest.

lucas: so, who's next?

farkle: I'm not looking for anyone. I have to drive home now... bye.

zay: dude no! Come down to Chubbys. I'll buy you your favourite!

farkle: okay. :/

I drove myself down to Chubbys. I walked in through the doors and there wasn't a lot of people or a little.

I saw Lucas and Zay at a booth and walked over. I sat down and set my keys on the table.

"Hey you won't guess who our waitress is." Zay spoke up. I looked down at my hands.

My favourite thing at Chubbys is their vanilla shake. It's such a heartbreak recovery.

I heard footsteps "Hello, what could I get you guys?" The voice was quiet and gentle, something I'm not at all used to.

I looked up and saw her.

Riley Matthews.

"I'll have the burger and fries." Lucas said while shutting his menu.

"and I'll have steak and fries please." Zay spoke confidently while Riley wrote it down.

"I'll just have um the vanilla shake." I said and she nodded while writing.

"he's very manly." Lucas spoke up making the brunette beauty giggle.

"That giggle is the best thing I've heard today." I stated and she smiled shyly before walking away with our order.

"wow, I thought you would be upset over breaking it off with Missy." Lucas spoke.

"I am but... Riley is different and trust me when I say that." I replied.

sooner than later she walked back with our meals. She passed Lucas his and Zay his meal. She placed the milkshake in front of me. "Enjoy you guys." She said after putting the tray under her arm and walking away.

I took a sip of the milkshake and I swear to god it was the best one I've ever had.

"this is the best milkshake I've ever had."

"you're just biased because you have a liking for Riley Matthews." Lucas teased.


maybe I do.

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