mind off things

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"I'm so sorry about the loss." Some girl stopped and said to Farkle while we all sat at the cafeteria table. He nodded and the girls continued walking.

"number 20." Farkle muttered in annoyance. "I just want people to stop bringing it up..." it didn't help that everyone found out about Farkle having a younger sibling, he's been the talk of the town lately. Too much gossip for a boy with too much pain.

"well, maybe I could talk to you in private for a second?" I brought up randomly and he nodded standing up. We walked to the music room. "about 5 days ago, I posted this video of me singing online. I totally forgot to check it until like yesterday and it almost has a million views."

"you're kidding!" He said in shock. "let me see."

I took my phone out and showed him the video. He was in awe the whole time. "you have an amazing voice."

I blushed as he gave me my phone back.

"ah no I'm more of a piano gir-" I began to say

"no, it's really beautiful." He said with a small smile upon his face. I looked down at my lap.

• • •


"So what do you look for in a girl Lucas?" Zay asked him while I sat on the couch watching them play video games.

"a sense of humour, maybe some playful teasing, and hmm a nice ass and t-" lucas began to say

"Knew that was coming." Zay cut him off then looked at me. "What about you?"

"I don't want to go way into depth." I declined.

"oh come on, I want to know." Zay asked while keeping his eyes up on the tv.

"fine." I said with a sigh "I like girls who are selfless they care about others before themselves. Girls with a pure heart and a kind soul. Someone who laughs at my jokes even if they aren't funny. I think most importantly a girl who pushes me to be a better person"

I looked up and saw them both staring at me.

"W-what?" I said in confusion.

"you basically just perfectly described Riley." Zay said while looking at me with wide eyes. I thought about it for a minute and realized that I did do that.

"I- I know." I spoke slowly "I've had a crush on her ever since Missy and I ended things." I admitted.

"you should go for her, I bet she would." Lucas said trying to boost me up. I shook my head.

"she always liked Leo more than me." I chuckled slightly. "but to be honest my self esteem is pretty low right now, and being rejected by Riley would not be the best thing for me."

"I guess." Zay said with a shrug. "you're awesome, and if Riley doesn't see that then too bad for her."


I shot Farkle a text.

riley: wanna go see a movie?

riley: to get your mind off things?

farkle: yeah! Neal will come pick you up soon?

riley: well I was thinking we could do it old school and maybe take the subway?

farkle: really, okay!

I grabbed my jacket and wallet then ran down to my subway stop. I waited for it to pull up and got on. I looked around to see if I could find Farkle.

"Riley!" I heard him call me, I saw him standing and holding on to the pole. I walked over and grasped the pole and the the subway began to move.

"how've you been?" I asked curiously, since we haven't gotten to talk one on one in a while.

"everyday I make progress, some days more than others." He said while trying to give me a smile.

"I'm glad to hear." I said while looking at him in the eyes. How could someone have such a precious smile.

The subway took a quick jolt making me fall into him slightly. He put his hand on my back and looked down at me while we were chest to chest. I looked back up at him. He let a faint chuckle out before turning a bright red. I took a few steps back and fixed my hand on the pole.

We got off at the stop closest to the movies. We walked the rest of the way. He insisted that he pay for the tickets and snacks. I hate when guys pay for me, I tried to pay but he refused.

getaway ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now