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I took a breath before walking out to the piano that was on a small platform. Rich people stared and whispers were heard.

I saw my parents standing beside some people I didn't know. They both had a slim glass of champagne in their hands.

"her dress looks gorgeous." I heard a whisper.

I sat down on the piano bench, facing the back wall. My back was to the people and I began to play as people chatted and danced and did whatever.

My fingers weren't getting tired or anything. The song went by quicker than I thought and I was on to the next one.

I felt my foot step on my shoelace. I sighed uncomfortably. I felt like I was being watched. As my second song came do a close I smiled knowing I get a five minute break while the other musicians did a small piece.

I took my fingers off the keys then put my hands in my lap.


I looked behind me to see... Farkle Minkus. He was wearing black dress pants and a dark maroon button up. His hair was swooped to the side. I forced a small smile feeling my stomach give out. I tried to say something but nothing came out.

"you play the piano?" was the first thing asked. I let out a small sigh then a chuckle. Looked at the piano seat and raised a brow questioning if he could sit. I slid over a bit and he sat beside me. "by the way... you look stunning. I presume my mom bought that dress for you?"

"Jennifer is your mom?" I asked and he nodded pursing his lips.

Farkle sighed "yeah..."

"this is your house?"

"yeah..." he was turning a red shade "I've always been embarrassed of it, that's why the only people I've had over are Lucas and Zay." What is there to be embarrassed about...

I couldn't wait to get paid and leave.

"I know this sounds awful but, what is this event for?" I replied not caring too much.

he stood up and put his hand out for me to grab. I furrowed my eyebrows then took his hand in mine. I stood up and he walked me out of the ball room.

He still was holding my hand tightly and it felt... nice.

"I have to be back in-" I started to say

"I know." He cut me off before walking us upstairs. I held my dress up so I didn't trip. I completely forgot I was wearing converse. He looked down at my shoes and smirked. "never seen that before." I felt embarrassed. "I love it." Slightly less embarrassed now.

Once we got upstairs we walked down a long hallway and to this door. He sighed. "I haven't been in here for almost a year now." He pushed the door open and walked in holding my hand tighter.

I followed behind him.

It was a bedroom. A boys bedroom.

there were pictures on the walls and it was pretty dusty. It had an abandoned vibe. Farkle let my hand go and sat on the bed. I walked to the dresser and saw a family photo. There was another boy in the picture. "my brother Leo... he-um" oh god "He is in the hospital for osteosarcoma. It's a type of cancer that produces immature bone, it's in his knee area and he's not allowed out of the hospital for a while."

"so this event is to raise money for Osteosarcoma?" I asked and he nodded confirming that. I felt sick to my stomach. I can't let them pay me... I-I can't accept this dress.

"He's not doing well Riley... it's hard for me and my parents. It may look like I have it all figured out and handled but... I really don't." Farkle was spilling his emotions. "Leo isn't allowed to leave the hospital for a long time and I'm nervous for him."

"Farkle." I said walking to the bed and sitting beside him. "Tell your parents not to pay me... and tell your mom that I'll have the dress back to her. I can't let myself take money like that from a good cause."

"Riley it's okay-"

"Farkle please." I begged. It was quiet as he stared in my eyes.

"if it's what you really want."

"It is."

getaway ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now