hi honey

693 20 0

Farkle Minkus

In the last couple days riley, Leo, and I accomplished some more things off Leo's list like: go to New York time square, decorate the Christmas tree, plant a tree, make a time capsule, have first drink, and more.

Since Leo was tired and wanted to go home riley and I went to go get a coffee from the diner that maya and her mother work at.

We sat in a booth and ordered our coffees.

"He seemed off today." Riley said out of the blue. "It felt sad."

"I think it was just really hitting him." I said sadly "just the fact that he's really noticing that he has no time left."

"you don't think he's... going to die soon? Do you?" She had a hard time getting the sentence out of her mouth.

"I'm not sure. I'm losing hope, Riley."

Out coffees were placed in front of us.

"don't please."

"why?" I tilted my head in confusion

"because then he will."

Riley Matthews

"Then he asked me to come home with him- and then you know what happened..." Maya was explaining her prom night to me in as least detail as possible, which I respected.

I took a bite of my Mac and cheese.

"So who was the crippled kid with you?" Maya said

I choked on my food swallowing hard.

"Mayaaa" I whined angrily.

"I'm joking, who is he though?" She cleared it up.

Here was my chance to tell everything.

"My mom has a friend named Lisa and it's her son." I lied.

"He was hot, it's a shame that he's in a wheelchair." Maya laughed a bit.

"Why is that a shame?" I replied getting oddly defensive. Leo is like my brother and if anyone talks about him like that I'm not afraid to lose it.

"cause most girls won't give him a chance because he can't get laid." Maya said as if it was obvious.

"You're kidding me right?" I scoffed "I swear to god I will leave this god damn cafeteria."

"Why are you getting so angry? Everyone knows that sex is one of the most important things in a relationship. If a guy can't perform well, then it's basically game over." Maya explained.

"If that's how you feel, then that's disgusting." I began to stand and leave. I couldn't hear her say that... I thought she was better. I turned around but was stopped by the iconic trio. I groaned loudly in a mix of anger and annoyance. I turned around and sat back down.

"nice to see you too Riley." Lucas smirked as they all sat.

"party at this ones house tomorrow" say put his hand on farkles shoulder.

My eyes widened... I thought farkle was embarrassed of his house? whatever I guess.

• • •

I was picking out what to wear for the party since has already started. I chose this

It's winter but I mean it's all good since we will be inside

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It's winter but I mean it's all good since we will be inside. I left my hair naturally curly.

Maya barged through my door.

"I brought some vodka to pregame." She threw it on my bed.

"not drinking tonight... sorry." I said while slipping my shoes on.

"come on Riley when are you going to let go! When are you gonna have your first drink? When your 50?" Maya said angrily

"I'm fine with that." I shrugged

"fine more for me." She opened the bottle and just began drinking from it, cringing shortly after.

soon after we left the house and I drove us to the party. It took a while but we got there eventually. I could hear Halseys song "walls could talk" blaring as I got out of the car. I pushed the door shut then walked in to the house, or should I say mansion?

I could just smell weed and alcohol on people. It was pretty nasty. I pushed through people looking for a familiar face.

"Hey honey." I looked to my right to see farkle with a beer in his hand. I turned red once he called me honey forgetting that's what my shirt says.

"hi farkle." I smiled trying to figure out if he is drunk or not.

"you look good." He smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck turning a crimson.

I giggled "thank you." I had made the discovery that he's tipsy.

"Want a drink?" He offered

"nope been sober my whole life, why ruin it?" I replied

"oh come on, it will make you relax... you're kinda real uptight." He replied with a chuckle.

"fine, nothing gross though." I replied and he smiled then quickly left. This boy makes me do crazy things.

"drinking now Riley?" I heard from behind me. I turned around quickly and saw Leo.

"Hows your first party?" I asked with a smile

"Just as I imagined it!" He smiled "check it off the list."

"Here" farkle passed me a drink "don't get too drunk"

"Off of one drink? Please Farkle." I laughed

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