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It was really late at night, the same night I uploaded the video. It was about 2:30am. I couldn't sleep and I didn't know why... maybe it was the rain pouring down on my windows making a loud pitter-patter noise.

I heard a knock at the front door. Who the hell knocks on someone's door at 2am? I walked down to the living room and opened the door in annoyance.

I saw Farkle drenched in rain water. His hair dripping and his shoes making a mark on the carpet in the hallway. "Farkle?"

"he's dead." Farkle whispered.

"wha-" I tried to say

"Leo, he died." Farkle said once more. My heart dropped down to my stomach. I didn't know what else to do but cry. "come here." Farkle said obviously really strained. It must've happened hours ago cause I could tell he was empty and done. I walked closer to him and gave him a huge hug. My tears streaming down my face. "Riley?" He said quietly. I looked up at him. "Can you play for me?"

I held his hand and pulled him up to my piano room shutting down the door after.

Farkle sat on the window ledge looking out. I played something slow for him. I could just feel tears streaming down. My fingers slowed down as I just gave up trying to play. My sobs were silent but you could still hear them "Riley stop crying."

"I-can't" I whispered. I could tell Farkle had no more tears left to cry but when he looked at me crying I saw his eyes well up.

I stood up from the piano and walked over and sat beside him. "I-I'm always here for you." I said softly just letting the tears roll down my cheeks. He wiped my tears away with his thumbs. "I'm sorry this is just a shoc-"

"I expected it, that's why I'm empty now." He spoke quietly trying not to wake anyone in my house. "That's what I had to tell you after school... that he wasn't doing okay. But I ended up having to leave school early to go to the hospital."

It was really quiet for a minute. "You need some dry clothes, i don't want you getting sick. I'll be right back." I stood up and left the room, going to the laundry room. I grabbed a pair of my dads black sweatpants and one of his grey sweaters. I went back to the piano room and passed him the clothes. "you're staying the night."

"Okay um should I-" he began to say.

"Oh I'll leave, just come into my room when you're done." I cut him off before walking back into my room and sitting on the bed. I felt my eyes burning to the fact I couldn't stop the tears.

He walked in my room and shut my closet door. We got under the covers and I shut the light off. It was kind of awkward at first. I moved closer to him and laid my head on his chest and just sobbed. He held me tight. His breaths were shaky and on the verge of tears.

• • •

"Riley Matthews!" My eyes shot open from my sleep. I thought it was my mom but I sat up and saw Maya standing in front of the bay window. I looked beside me to see a shirtless Farkle.

I quickly stood up.

"what is going on?" Maya crossed her arms over her chest "I knew you have been keeping secrets from me." She was mad, like really mad.

"why is your room so hot at night?" Farkle put the grey sweater back on. He looked at the angry Maya then put his shoes on. "I'll um- see you later riley." He left out the window and down the fire escape.

"Is there something you want to explain?" Maya said loudly.

"when I went to do that piano gig my mom got me, it ended up being an event for Farkle family. Specifically Farkle brother Leo. Leo has osterovotoma, and the event was to raise money to find a cure. Farkle saw me playing piano and I found about his brother so we decided to keep each others secrets. Leo made a bucket list he wanted to finish before he died so Farkle asked me to help, and of course I did. You might remember the boy in the wheelchair... that was Leo." I took a breath "and yesterday Leo passed away." Maya's eyes widened. "Farkle came to me for comfort so I let him spend the night."

"How long has this been going on for..." Maya asked uneasily.

"A couple months." I sighed holding back my tears.

"Come here." She opened her arms and I walked into them and let my tears just fall.

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