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"I think that was your ninth nose scrunch today." Farkle joked as we stood at his locker.

"I don't do it that often!" I argued back. Okay so what maybe I did scrunch my nose often, it's a habit I'm sorry!

"sure, whatever you say!" He replied with some 'tude.

Lucas pushed through us to get to his locker "That's cute." He said.

"it's platonic." I replied with an eye roll.

"heyyy" Farkle said in a sad but funny way.

"I don't know what that means!" Lucas said real seriously.

"I think I'm gonna go catch up with Maya..." I smiled briefly. Farkle looked down, he's nervous about something.

"I need to talk to you later, after school maybe." Farkle had the most serious tone in his voice that I've ever heard.

"for sure, just text me whenever... and ill be there." I'm assuming it would be about Leo. I walked over to Maya.

• • •

After school I waited around for Farkle but I didn't see him or hear anything from him. I decided to call him. No answer.

He probably just forgot.

I ended up going to the music room and playing for a little. I wanted to try and focus more on that because it really is my favourite thing.

"Hello?" I heard from behind me. I assumed it was Farkle but I turned and saw a different guy. I quickly stood up and shut the case for the keys.

"I was just leaving, all yours." I grabbed my bag

"I actually was just coming to grab my bag, I left it in here earlier." He was talkative.

"awesome." I said trying to get out of the conversation. I began to walk to the door.

"I haven't seen you around before, who are you?" He asked as I reached for the door knob.

I turned around "Riley Matthews." I spoke softly.

"nice to meet you, I'm Hunter." He smiled

"awesome." I repeated. Then turned around to grab the knob again. I left the music room.

I walked to the door to leave the school. It was pouring rain. The most rain I've seen probably ever. I was going to walk home but that's not even an option.

I ran back to the music room.

"do you have a car?" I said right as I walked in.

Next thing I know hunter is driving me home.

"thanks, you totally didn't have to do this since I was kind of a bitch." I said as he stopped out front of my apartment.

"it's all good." He smiled. I did too. I unbuckled myself and got out of the car, running to the door.

• • •

I ended up doing some homework but I couldn't focus. The only thing on my mind was Farkle. Why would he leave me out to dry.

I texted him.

riley: hey, is everything okay?

I got no response.

I shut my Spanish book and got up off my bed.

I looked out my window at the rain dripping down. I decided to go play some piano since it helps me not to worry.

I picked one of my favourite songs. "Rewrite the stars" from the greatest showman. I felt as if I could relate. I loved to sing but I never really got around to it, and since nobody was home I decided that I would try.

I set my phone up on video recording.

I sang along to myself playing rewrite the stars. The ending of the song came close, it was also my favourite lyric. "You know I want you, It's not a secret I try to hide. But I can't have you, We're bound to break and My hands are tied"

I ended the video.

I had a sudden burst of confidence.

I ran to my bed where my laptop sat. I opened my laptop and airdropped the video. I opened a YouTube tab and selected the video. I hit upload and quickly shut the computer making sure I wouldn't try and delete it.

A huge reason I chose this song is because I feel like it represents Farkle and I really well. I think I'm feeling things for him, but I don't know.

getaway ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now