the brother.

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Wednesday, December 14th.

I walked to the staff room and sighed. It's so embarrassing that they saw me working my part time job at Chubbys. I wish I could just make playing the piano my job.

I went into the bathroom and took my uniform off and changed into my regular day clothes. I took my hair down and let he curls bounce naturally. My shift was over and I grabbed my bag and walked out saying goodbye to my coworkers.

I walked to the table the boys were sitting at. I grabbed the money and saw a tip of thirty-five dollars. My stomach dropped there is no way they tipped me that much.

I put the thirty-five in my pocket knowing I would be giving it back to them.

I hailed a taxi home.

• • •

"Riley, Oh my gosh I have been waiting to tell you this all day!" My mother began saying as I walked through the front door.

I chuckled at her "what is it mom?"

"my friend Jennifer called me and invited us to her big charity event where it's super fancy and all these rich people will-" my mom was going on and on. "Anyways she asked if I knew any pianists to play for the night so..."

"mom." I was about to freak out.

"I told her you would play for the night."

"Mom, that's great oh my gosh!" I squealed.

"and they are paying you. This is what you've always wanted!" She said excitedly. I was so happy I needed to look over different sheet music and pick what's best. I need a dress and everything.

"When is it?" I asked quickly taking my jacket off and hanging it up.

"this Saturday." I could go with that. I kissed my moms cheek and thanked her before going up to my room and going over sheet music.

• • •

Thursday, December 15th.

Maya took a bite of the cafeteria mac and cheese while I was scrolling through Instagram.

"did you hear the news about far-" Maya began to say.

"what?" I asked very intrigued.

"Hey you guys." Zay came to our table and sat beside me. Lucas sat beside Maya and Farkle stood at the end of the table close to us.

"Hey." Maya spoke calmly. I looked back at my phone and scrolled through some more posts. I then Remembered the tip I had received. It was dead silent at our table.

"You guys tipped me thirty-five dollars last night." All of them gasped except for Farkle. All eyes glued on him.

"We left Farkle in charge of the tip." Zay admitted.

"you deserve it." He smiled. I took the money out of my pocket and gave it back to him. "Why are you giving it back?"

"I'm giving it back because even I know that I do not deserve that much." The bell rang. While everyone walked out of the cafeteria I walked over to him and he smiled. "I'll see you soon."

I walked away feeling a tiny spark of joy.

• • •


"Hey guys, is it alright if I visit him?" I stopped at the counter to ask the employees.

"Of course Farkle. The doors are always open for you." Amy had told me. I smiled before patting my hand down on the marble counter and walking away.

I found his room and took a breath before walking in and seeing him. It was completely awful to see my younger brother all hooked up like this. If anyone... he doesn't deserve this.

I closed the door quietly and I saw my brother look up and smile.

"Hey older bro!" He chirped and I chuckled before walking over and giving him a hug.

"thanks for the daily visit, but where's mom and dad?" Leo asked I put my hands in my pockets and let a quiet sigh out.

"They will be coming later." I replied before pulling a chair over and sitting down. Leo made his hospital bed recline forwards.

"hey, you want to play some Xbox?" Leo smirked and I nodded totally excited. He passed me a controller.

let me fill you in so you're not totally lost. My little (by one year and a few months) brother, Leo was diagnosed with cancer specifically osteosarcoma just when he was a kid. I always wondered why not me. I visit the hospital almost everyday to see my little brother and watch as he smiles.

he can't be around us too much because the doctors say it's not the best option if we want him around longer... so he's locked up in this building.

Every time my family leaves the hospital Leo cries. I don't blame him though, life is hard for him and he wants to be around us.

"so why don't you invite Lucas and Zay?" He asked with a chuckle. Leo loves Lucas and Zay he thinks they are the coolest people alive.

"I actually wanted to tell you something a little shocking and may-" I began to speak. I wanted to tell Leo about Missy since he only heard me talk about her before and I didn't know how he'd feel.

"you and Missy broke up?" He cut me off almost knowing right away. "mom told me... I'm sorry dude." I shrugged.

"Leo, it's okay... she was cheating on me anyways." I replied.

"you can stay with me as long as you'd like to Farkle." He smiled and so did I.

god I'm going to miss that smile.

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