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"that's basically a date Riley!" Maya said excitedly while grabbing onto my arm. I pulled my arm away mumbling "ouch."

"we saw a movie... that's it." I said as we walked down the hall.

"he payed for you! Also from what you were telling me about the subway ride it sounds like he enjoyed when you were pressed up against his body-" Maya began to go off. I stopped and put my hand over her mouth.

"people will hear, then assume!" I said while slowly taking my hand down, continuing to walk. We got to our lockers and started to switch our binders for English. "but it was completely platonic."

"whatever you say." Maya snickered and I rolled my eyes. I put my binders in my bag and shut my locker.

• • •

I wiped my shoes on the entrance rug of Farkles house. He wanted me to come over and help with our English essays. I didn't mind being a tutor it makes me feel empowered.

"Riley!" Jennifer ran over and hugged me.

"Hi, how have you been?" I asked while pulling away from the hug.

"better, I've missed you." She gave me a sweet half smile. I could tell she had been crying due to the redness and puffy eyes.

"I've missed you." I smiled

"Farkles just up in his room, go ahead" Jen pointed then walked off. I walked up the big staircase.

I looked to the right and saw a crack of the door open. It was Leo's room. I felt as if I was being pulled over to it. I slowly walked to the door and pushed it open slowly. His room was the same. I froze up instantly remembering a memory hard to forget

"what if he just got up and slapped me." Leo joked making me laugh. I smiled trying to contain myself. It was quiet and he was looking at me lovingly. It was just us two for once.

Leo was propped up against the bed frame while he sat up. I sat close facing him with my legs crossed.

"what?" I asked while he looked at me. He looked down and shook his head slightly then looked back up at me.

"your smile is so beautiful." He said making my heart flutter.

"you still haven't had your first kiss, and it's last on the list." I couldn't help myself. He shook his head.

"Riley?" He asked and I tilted my head "I want to kiss you." it was blunt.

without hesitation I placed my hand on his left cheek and kissed him. Our eyes both closed. It was quick but once it happened we looked at each other and went back for more.

He pulled away and our faces were close.

"this is... so good." He chuckled making me laugh.

I stood in the door frame for a minute and wiped the tears I felt streaming down my face.

"Riley?" Farkle asked from behind me. I quickly turned to face him and wiped my eyes.

"hi, sorry I just-" I began to explain but Farkle but he put his hands on my shoulders gently.

"don't be sorry." He said letting his hands fall to his sides. He exhaled. "I find myself doing that all the time... standing here remembering what it was like to walk over to the next room and see my brother."

The memory of the kiss was one of my favourites because it was so in the moment, it was no strings attached and a secret we could both keep between us. I didn't have feelings for Leo and I don't think he had any for me either.

I looked back at the room and felt myself let out an upset sigh that lead into a silent cry.

he looked at me and pulled me into a hug. I could tell he was holding back so much also. His breaths were shaky and as he held the side of my head to his chest I could hear his heart beat. It was quick.

getaway ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now